Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Better Now

The situation has boiled over now, and things are much better now, my stress level isin't as high as it was a few days ago, and I only have one obstacle left before I'm able to enjoy my well deserved holidays!!! That obstacle however, is my exam. This exam is freaking hard. I'm studying the notes, and boy do they not make sense... I think the lecturer needs to give better notes!

Yeah, so I had Lobster crackers and Crab bah gua for lunch. Ha... Gotta make myself look more like the rich and famous... Anywayz, about the topic of all the different font sizes don't you just hate it when you're shopping and you see this huge sign that says:

"Free Plasma TV if you spend $10,000"


"Up To 90% OFF!!!"

I think the first sign is alright, but the second one is the worst of them all. You're so excited when you see the 90% off sign that you rush into the store. You see 10%, 15% and 20% tags all around, and you're thinking to yourself "WAIT... Isin't it supposed to be 90% off?". So you walk back out the store, and while trying to act all cool, take a clear look at the sign once more. After close observation, you see small drops of ink on the top left hand corner of the sign. You walk closer to see what those droplets of ink say, but you still can't see it. So you take another step closer, and closer, and closer. At this time, you're so close to the sign that it would seem like you're inspecting it. Then you slowly make out the words.... "Up To". You eventualy put the pieces together, and you think to yourself "Where's the 90% off rack???"

So you run back into the store, and you see a bunch of people crowding around one of the racks in the store. You make your way casually towards the rack because running would be so uncool and squeeze through the whole crowd. You finally get to the rack, and see nothing that interests you, cuz everything looks like they should have been on sale during your parents time. As you're about to turn away, something catches your eye on the rack. You grab and hold on to it as you make your way back out the crowd. You check the price tag and it says $50. So you're thinking, "ONLY 5 DOLLARS FOR THIS?!?!". So you start queuing at the cashiers, and after 10 minutes, its finally your turn. You hand the cashier your dress/skirt/shirt or whatever that may have caught your eye, along with a 5 dollar note. The cashier scans the item and the number 50.00 flashes on the screen.

Now, there's only 2 options from here.

Option #1
You argue with the person saying that you got the item from the 90 percent rack, and therefore it should only be 5 dollars. Soon after, you hear the following words "I'm sorry, someone must have misplaced it". From here, you either use option number 2, or you walk away dissapointed.

Option #2
You pay for it cuz you don't want to be embarrassed

Either way, you've just wasted 30 minutes of your life and possibly $50. Great Marketing Technique...

Editor's Note:
The above story is NOT based on a true story. If there's any similarities from a true life story, it was purely by coincidence. And I feel sorry for you...

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