Monday, November 05, 2007


The weekends came and went just like that. This is the 6th week that I will be at TNT Express, which is also the last week that the NYP Interns will be attached here. How will next week be like?

I’m not sure…

I went out to drink with Iris & Company on Saturday. On our way there, we were on this cab, and I swear that the cab driver was a little bit crazy. He started showing his middle finger at this other cab. He then wound down his window, and stuck his whole hand, with his middle finger and waved it around…

Talk about friendliness….

Got to our destination safely, and entered the pub/bar or whatever. The place is called Graxs, and it’s not like a really nice place, but it’s the company that counts right? We went there because it was Iris’s friends’ birthday, and she was working there.

The 6 of us drank 4 jugs of beer, and opened up a bottle of Chivas.

Atom got kind of drunk, and I felt hat he crossed the line with some of the comments he made to me & Carol. But oh well… I’ll just pretend that I didn’t hear what he said to me.

My eyes were red, my face was red, but I was not drunk. Dexter probably thought that I was though. He kept making sure that I was alright. Always making sure that I was not walking at the back of the group…

Thanks for the concern… (It’s not sarcasm)

The 6 of us went to Geylang after that, so we split into 2 cabs. Dexter gave the wrong instructions to the cab driver, and we walked for about 15 minutes to reach our destination. Haha. I’m not blaming anyone though… It’s nice to take a stroll every once in a while.

We had Tian Ji Zhou – Frog Porridge for supper, but it was SPICY. Took a cab home, and got home at 4:30am…

I was watching One Tree Hill season 4 yesterday, and they were asking each other when their most memorable birthday was. One replied their 12th birthday, the other replied their 9th birthday.

I can’t remember mine.

I don’t have a memorable birthday.

I can’t even remember much for my 18th birthday… and 19th…

I miss what WE used to have…

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