Monday, June 09, 2008

Grad Ceremony Pics

My mom's friend finally came back from Dubai on Saturday, and it probably won't be long until they'll have to leave for South Africa... So we met them for dinner during Saturday at Blk 85.

I went to Sentosa yesterday with Iris and her bunch of classmates. It was really fun with playing ultimate frisbee and all. But i didn't manage to get to play volleyball... Then I had dinner at Carls Jr. and man are those burgers HUGE. The burgers in the US aren't as big as those at Carls Jr. if you were wondering. Or at least I don't remember them being that big.

Anywayz, here's some pictures from the graduation... I know they're a little late, but better late than never...

Year 2 & 3 classmates

Year 1 classmates

Me & Suraj

Candy, Shwa Juan, Yong Sheng, Me & Chee Chuan

Candy & Me

Me & Hazel

FYP Groupmates.

Right after the grad ceremony

Saw Kung Fu Panda 2-3 days ago, and I thought that it was hilarious. Found 100 dollars in my drawer that I didn't know was there. $100 more to spend before I enter the army. Haha... I wanna have the Tung Lok Dim Sum Buffet again before I enter the army! Who's willing to go with me? Lol.

Was talking to Shawn a few days ago, and he was telling me about what his friend once told him. (Let's call his friend as Sara, so it's easier to explain the story). Sarah once went to Australia with her brother who was in primary school at that time. An Australian walked up to him, said:

"G'day mate!" and tried to have a conversation with him. However, Sarah's brother didn't reply at all and after the whole situation, Sarah asked her brother why he didn't respond.

Sarah's Brother then said: "No Lah! I Hate him! He call me maid!"

Anywayz, an exact week before I enter the army. Mixed emotions about it. Some days I'm alright with it, but on other days, I kinda get freaked out.

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