Sunday, August 31, 2008

Update Update.

I know... I haven't updated this blog in like what? Almost a month? Well, time is so precious to guys in NS especially when they have to stay in camp. Blogging is probably the last thing that I would wanna do. Besides, what would I talk about? All I can blog about is how boring my life is, and how much I hate it right? The entry would look something like this:

Woke up at 7 on monday. Worked till 5:30. Went back to bunk. Watch videos on my Ipod. Went to sleep.

Just rinse and repeat that process for 5 days, and you will know how my life is for that week. Interesting huh?

The reason why i'm blogging now is because, well I have tons of time. I'm on duty now (Well, I wrote the entry then, I'm just posting it now). Yeah, on a Sunday. But hey, a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do right? This is probably the process of "becoming a man".

My parents are now not in Singapore, as they happily packed their bags and left for Hong Kong on Wednesday. Leaving the pitiful me, and Kelson in Singapore all by our lonely selves. Haha. I actually did the laundry on Friday for my first time. Okay, it was my first time doing the laundry at home. I obviously had to do my own laundry during my time in Tekong.

Talking about Tekong, several people are about to enlist in a matter of weeks (Guess it's days now huh). Good luck to you guys!

I'm hoping i'll be able to go on a trip to maybe Genting (yes, for like the 4th time this year) or maybe to Redang Island at the end of September. I seriously need a vacation out of the country to just relax.

I tried using facebook a few days ago, and is it me or is it supposed to be confusing at first? I think i'm starting to manage to get my way around, but it's still confusing.

Person A: Oh, so they're playing games now?
Person B: Yeah, Tennis. You?

I was there at that moment. It was hilarious, but I didn't wanna embarrass Person B. So I tried to contain my laughter.

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA! I have to say it now cuz I probably won't have the chance to on the actual date...

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