Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Message for the Rain & Global Warming

Rain rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Else I can't go to the zoo today,
Rain Rain, go away.

Ok fine, Its not the zoo, its actually night safari. But they're about the same thing. The rain started like 10:30, and it has continuously rained until now. Is it even the monsoon season? I thought those were already over? Or has 365 days already passed on by?

Remember the shops along some road that were practically flooded last year? Its flooded because they decided to have the shops on some low laying land. If you don't want that to happen again, then move out of there. Each year, the rain and storms will get worse. All thanks to global warming.

Do people even remember the messages and the point of Live Earth? Do you even TRY or follow what they say in all those messages that were shown during the commercials for the Live Earth concerts? I do. To a certain extent.

I turned off all the fans that were not in use at school. (You know, the level 3 benches?). I remove SOME of the plugs from the main electricity socket when i'm not using them. (When the switch is on, and your phone charger is plugged in, you're STILL wasting electricity when its not charging your phone). I turn the computer off when i'm not using it (StandBy will still use electricty, hibernate saves more energy).

Ok, so its not much. But at least i'm trying. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to turn on the radio, turn on the TV, and use the computer at the same time. I also need to turn on the lights, turn on the air-conditioning, and turn on the fan and then cover myself up with 4 blankets after that.

But seriously, Save the Earth!!!

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