Sunday, August 19, 2007

The word "Sorry"

The word sorry has no meaning when there's no sincerity behind it. Just like the game "Sorry". You know what i'm talking about. The game where you start off with 4 pawns, and you go around and hopefully kick them back to their starting places. And when you do finally kick them back to their starting place, you say "Oops. Sorry...". We all know that you aren't sorry and you're already looking for the next pawn to kick off. - And Boy do I stink at that game.

I think the word "sorry" should never be tossed around as frequently as the word "the". Well it isin't, but you know what I mean. It should be categorized like under the "I Love You" category. or maybe even under the "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" category. Like you don't go around saying "I Love you lah" when you don't mean it. Nor do you go around using "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" unless you're trying to impress someone or act stupid.

So yeah. the same should go with "Sorry". But seriously, I've heard it way too many times recently that it almost means nothing to me. You say it just because you should, Instead of saying it because you mean it.

To sum all that up in codings:
if (Sorry.text != "sincerity"){
Sorry.text = "Nothing";

Damn, I hate what the course IT has done to me. Sorry about my codes. Lol...

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