Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Red Hot Forearms... With tons of pictures...

So I went to Sentosa today. I managed to wake up at 8 in the morning even though I slept at like 3:30am the day before. I woke up that early because we were supposed to meet at 10 at Harbourfront at 10am. I arrived at 10:03am, and I was the earliest... Went to the hawker center for breakfast and took the Monorail from Vivo to Sentosa. Chong Jun (CJ) had bad luck with the Monorail stations. The card(s) that he would scan would always screw up. The rest of us had no problems whatsoever. When we arrived at the beach, the sun was beaming... Because the sun was so glaring, Candy decided to get a pair of shades... She found a perfectly matching pair of shades at a store nearby, and decided to buy it....

Just Kidding... She didn't buy it. Anywayz, Yong Sheng (YS) didn't arrive until 1 and here's a picture of the 6 of us (From left to right - Yong Sheng, Candy, Daniel, Chong Jun, Me, Kevin) waiting for the tram.

They decided to play Frisbee by the beach, and its a bad idea if you don't want to get wet. Unless you're experts of course. So The Frisbee flew into the water, and I was the lucky one that went to retrieve it. So I was wet. Since I was wet, it wasn't fair that the others remained dry. So we played a game where the loser will have to take 2 steps towards the water. As usual, Yong Sheng tries his best to win. Here's a picture of him trying to fight the inevitable.

Yong Sheng always tries to win, but he always loses. He claims that he's good in Daytona, but lost by a considerable amount when we played. (But he also has his "tyco" times). Haha. Daniel wins and manages to stay dry. For an extra 10 minutes. So finally the 5 of us is wet, so we decided to take a picture in the water...

Seems like Daniel caught a cold. Learn from me, wear a shirt... Haha. Eh, the picture is actually a very nice picture you know... Why did you have to ruin it??? lol...

While trying to set the timer on the camera, a lady walked up to us and asked if we would like her to take a picture for us. We didn't even ask... So nice lah!

We asked her a couple of questions and we found out that she's from San Francisco, California, USA. I asked her why she would be at Sentosa when there's like beautiful beaches in California. like how can Sentosa be better than say... Venice Beach in the L.A.??? She said the beaches there are dirty... And i'm thinking to myself: "If Venice beach is dirty, then Sentosa has to be considered toxic." So after 3-4 hours of the water, sand and sun, we decided to head to someplace cooler. Skiing would be a good idea...

Yes, those seats will bring you up to the mountain so that you can ski in the snow at the top. Ok fine, it's actually for a Luge ride. or as Candy calls it: "zoom zoom".

Here's a picture of our Luge ride tickets. Only 5 of us went because the other was too scared. Jk... lol.

It was pretty fun because I was going down the hill at a pretty fast pace. It pays to be fat! Guess who got last place? Yong Sheng. Haha. His losing streak continues once more. We decided to head to the Underwater World after the Luge ride...

Why trouble yourself in trying to find a sea turtle when you're snorkling? You can see many of them at the Underwater World. The best part of it all is that you don't even have to pay a cent for it as it's situated outside of the Underwater World.

Here's a picture of us outside of the Underwater World. Wait... Something seems to be missing...
Oh... Me.

When we were inside, we got a little hungry. We decided to go for a buffet situated inside the Underwater World. What did the buffet have? Crabs...

Jk. That was actually the stairs down to the crabs section. I'm still trying to picture how good they would taste if they had black pepper or chille sauce all over them...

So we took the travelator and this shark is scary looking. Look at those teeth! I think that's like the worst thing that can happen to any snorkler or diver.

Then again... Maybe not.

Here's a couple more of pictures that we took in the Underwater World. $20 leh, must take as much pictures as possible! Haha.

I think Daniel just saw his reflection... Don't pay any attention to him. This is normal behavior by Daniel. Lol. (Candy - Your "Sexy Lips" is in the picture on the left...)

When they're not admiring their own faces, they try disfigure people by kicking them as hard as possible.

Featured: Singapore Next Top Model: Candy. A Finalist of the Singapore version of America's Next Top Model, Candy hopes to win the hearts of all fans by showing that she cares about marine life. Please call 1900-IWantCandy to keep her in the competition. Lol.

Here's Candy kissing "Sexy Lips" #2. Look how in love they are...

Here's the view of that fish from Candy's angle. No wonder they say love is blind.

There's no need to be afraid of a shark when you have muscles...

Before the picture was taken, Candy said: "Let's make weird faces..." It seems like I was the only one that got the message.

Left Sentosa at like 7-8 and went to Vivo for dinner. We were all so tired and came back home afterwards. What a fun day it was, although it started a little bit slow. Haha. I'm going to sleep now. I'm TIRED!

P.S: The captions are all a joke... Don't get angry alright guys? If you don't want the picture up here, then... Too bad. Haha... jk. Tell me if you want me to remove the pics or change the captions to make it more non-offending...


Anonymous said...

I realise candy said alot of things. haha.. :)Great day together. Candy took too many pictures that day.

I read your top post and you sounds really emotional. If feeling really down, don mind approach me. I'm a good listener. :)


Claven said...
