Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pay Day

I just received my pay 2 days ago, and boy am I happy. I'm not happy because I got $480 richer, but actually because it showed that a month has passed. 3 more months to go!

I'm starting to hear more stories of people's attachment turning bad. I think I'd rather have an attachment start off bad, and get better, rather than start off great, and starts to deteriorate afterwards. Hang in there YS... Don't be so gullible and think that everyone is nice. Men (& Women) are selfish by nature.

When a human loses their compassion for another, they are nothing but beasts...

I read about that Youtube video in the newspapers today where there are 3 tourists that "bullied" the uncle that was operating the trishaw. I went to see the video earlier on, and it's disgusting to see how people react. Sure, the tourists were wrong to be laughing at the uncle that was 70 years old. But must you throw in their race and nationality when criticizing them? How would you feel if you were judged based on your nationality and race? If you were to visit a different country, would you want others to be judging you because you're a Singaporean? It's not doing Singapore any good when you decide to throw malicious comments based on nationality and race.

I plan on having chalet after our attachment ends? Who's up for it? Please say "Aye" if you are up for it and "Nay" if you're against it.

Kelvin - Aye

Certain people are starting to piss me off... Taking a small matter and blowing it to huge proportions as if it was a life and death situation. Just get over it. Stop trying to always be the center of attention.

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