Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Haven’t blogged in a week, and I only have one excuse: Busy Busy Busy… Ok, maybe not, But I was busy doing other things like sleeping and such. Important ok?

Went to watch Enchanted on Friday, pretty nice movie. It’s one of those fairytale kinda movies, so don’t go in the movie expecting a great mystery like “The Da Vinci Code” and come out crying asking why the ugly queen turned into a pretty dragon. Before the movie, I went to Jack’s Place at Century Square for dinner. I’ve been there several times, and I guess the food’s alright.

So we went there, and Iris says: “I have a voucher for Jack’s Place”. She then pulls out a paper, and passes it to me. I take a quick glimpse of it, and said, ok, we’ll ask the person if it’s still valid or not. So we walked to Jack’s Place and we handed the voucher to the lady. She says, it has already expired, so I look at Iris and say: “Chey… Expire already lah”. Then iris says, but it says that the expiry date is 2006 to 2007 mah. The lady then says, I’m sorry, but it’s actually 20-06-2007.

Go ahead laugh all you want…

Done? Alright, let’s continue…

We both ordered steak but different kinds of steak. (Mine much thinner, whereas hers is much thicker). I ordered mine to be medium rare, and Iris wanted hers to be medium well. We waited for about 10 -15 minutes, and the food arrives. Everything’s good until I take the 3rd piece of steak that I had sliced off. Mine is medium well as it’s barely red at all. Iris cuts her steak, and hers is medium rare, the red meat still in the center. At this point, it’s already 6:40pm, and the movie begins at 7.10pm. So I just wanted to point it out to them that they have probably mixed the order up.

I informed the waitress, and she asks me to hold on while she goes to the kitchen. We continue eating, as we didn’t have much time left and we weren’t planning on having the food changed because that would waste another 10-15 minutes of our time. The waitress walks back out, mumbles something and walks to the front of the restaurant. I look at Iris, Iris looks at me. We had no clue what she said. Soon, I guess the manager walks to us and asks us about the problem. At this point, the waiters and waitresses begin to crowd around us.

I explain everything to the manager and she asks if we would like it to be changed. We replied: “Oh no, it’s ok, because we’re in a rush for time, and we just wanted to point this out. That’s all.” She then says: “Oh, ok. Because you see, this steak is much thicker, so when we cook it, it will be more bloody then others. Whereas your steak is much thinner, so after cooking, it will be more cooked than normal.” This is where I get annoyed. I then said: “I’ve been to this place several times, and I’ve always ordered this. It has always been medium rare until today”. She then says: “Alright, I’m sorry. I’ll inform the chef”

Stupid explanation… Thank god both me and Iris were in a good mood… If not we would’ve said something like “Don’t tell me your chef has no cooking skills at all? Don’t tell me the chef can’t judge how long a steak has to be cooked for medium rare based on its thickness?” If it’s thick, then cook it longer. If it’s thin, then don’t cook it as long. Simple logic, even the cows know this.

Went to Waraku for dinner on Saturday again. Hope I get sick of that place soon or else I’d want to go there every week for dinner. But I doubt i'll get sick of it soon as the food is just too damn good. Lol.

Went to have dinner at Fortunate Restaurant on Sunday and it totaled up to 230 dollars. 18 dollars for a Salted fish with Bean sprouts. Anyone else agrees that 18 dollars for “tau gei” is too expensive?

Took MC yesterday (Monday) as my throat was killing me. It still is killing me now, but it’s not nice to take 2 MCs in a row… The medication causes drowsiness, so I’m off my medication now. What to do? Sleep at work meh?

I’m thinking of a X’mas party or something like that. Get a function room decorate the place up with lights and a Christmas tree. Have a huge spread of ham, turkey and other stuff on the table with Christmas music playing in the background… I’m SO looking forward to Christmas. That is because:

No Work.

And nothing is better than not having to work right?

I’m So excited about Christmas that I asked around for a recipe & cooking instructions on how to cook a turkey, and someone emailed me the answer.

(It’s actually my uncle who just randomly emailed me the recipe & cooking instructions)

Here is a Turkey recipe that also includes the use of popcorn as a stuffing - imagine that. When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not sure how to tell when poultry is thoroughly cooked, but not too dried out.

Give this a try.

8-10 lb. Turkey
1.5 cup melted butter
1.5 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good.)
1.5 cup uncooked popcorn (Preferably Low fat)

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Brush chicken well with melted butter, salt, and pepper.
3) Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn.
4) Place in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven.
5) Listen for the popping sounds.

When the chicken's ass blows the oven door open and the chicken flies across the room,

The Turkey is done.

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