Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekends are over...

So I told myself that the next time I enter a blog entry, it would have the pictures of when I went to Graxs with Iris & Co. But I guess not. I wanted to enter a blog entry on the weekends but I was way too busy. I didn’t even get enough sleep lah!

Anyways, today is my Mom’s Birthday. So Happy Birthday! You Guys should call up my home phone and wish her a Happy Birthday too. Lol. Jk.

Watched my Survivor on Friday – this is ALWAYS a highlight. It marks the end of the week, and the beginning of the Weekends, & Also because that one hour is just SOOO entertaining. They are down to the top 8 now.

Got woken up at like 10 am on Saturday by my Mom. She wanted me to yell at this guy.

Ok, not like some crazy psycho person… There was a person stuck in the elevator at my block. For some odd reason the lift is jumping up and down and the elevator was slowly, BUT SURELY, creeping its way up. So I guess my Mom had a sore throat and she woke me up so that I could yell to the person inside telling them that we already called the people.

According to my mom, the guy was already stuck in the elevator for a long time, and when she made the call to the elevator service repair people (What do you call them? Mechanics) they said that no one had called to report this case.

SERIOUSLY!!! No One Called!?!?

Damn… I don’t ever want to be stuck in the elevator now… Imagine sitting in the elevator while it’s jerking up and down for a few hours…

After that, we went out for lunch at Tampines and I originally wanted to eat my Fried Fish Lor Mee… But they were closed. We just helped someone get out of the elevator. Why is bad karma still following me? Lol.

So I then ate Bar Chor Mee… & it’s a branch from the Blk 85 Bar Chor Mee. Ok, guess I had good karma there…

Got back home and I tried to do my Intranet work from home. Yes, I was working on my work at home… Surprising eh? Anyways, I fell asleep even before I started. Lol. No Surprises there…

Woke up at 5pm, and worked on my intranet until 2 am. Taking breaks every now and then of course. One break worth mentioning though is that I went to Changi Airport to send my Mom’s friend off. Yes I know them very well… He was flying off to Dubai and will be gone for 2 years. Sounds a little like us. Just that I went to US instead of Dubai.

He packed a HUGE luggage. He’s probably planning to kidnap a camel back to SG when he comes back or something.

Anyways, I got back home and continued with my work once again. I didn’t complete it until 2am. And I fell asleep right after that.

Woke up at 9 something on Sunday, as I had to attend my Mom’s Ex-Colleague’s ROM ceremony…

I had this really great looking cupcake that I could not bear to eat. It was just too pretty. Lol. Well, that was the case until my brother decided that he wanted to eat the “flowers” on top of the cake (Made of sugar). The cupcake wasn’t so pretty then… So I ate it.

This is the start of the 7th week of attachment... If only it was the 17th week… I seriously can’t wait for this to end… I’m supposed to work on these weekly reports and hand them in by tomorrow, along with my intranet by Friday. And the weekly reports aren’t given to me yet!


Sometimes, having half of it is worse than not having it at all.
Thanks. Thanks for giving half of it.

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