Wednesday, November 14, 2007


For those of you that don’t know, I am a 1988 baby. Based on the Chinese Calendar, I’m a rabbit. But if it’s based on the normal calendar that we ALL go by, then I’m obviously a dragon. Technically, I should be a rabbit. But heck… Dragon seems much cooler than a rabbit right? So... I’m a Rabgon or Drabit…

At least it makes me special from all you people. Lol.

Rabgon - Rabbit’s head with a Dragon’s tail…
Drabit – Dragon’s head with a Rabbits butt…

A Rabgon would be able to fly… But then I’d have to eat carrots everyday…

A Drabit would eat… What the hell does a dragon eat??? And I’d have to hop around everywhere...

Oh well, whichever one... I don’t care…

Why am I talking about this? Did I eat too much sugar and get hyper?
Well, it’s because I received an email about the Chinese horoscopes…



Be extra careful when it comes to investments this year. This is mainly due to a lack of concentration and a shorter attention span. Either sleep on the idea for some time before making a decision or request someone that you could trust to go through the fine print of the contract before signing on the dotted line.

Though your wealth luck is good this year, there is a concern of losing it through legal problems. If you are investing this year, you must do your own homework and go through the fine print. Even if it means that you need to take a longer time and greater effort to study into it before making a decision, it will be worth it.

Drabit & Rabgon
Your Wealth luck is not that good. So you should stop dreaming about your Castle… And start sweeping the Castle’s floor.



This is a very good year in terms of relationships. Those who are attached will have a high chance of getting married this year. There is a strong chance that singles will meet the love of their lives. For those who are married, the passion in their relationship will be burning bright.

For those who are attached or married, you may want to have more personal space this year. For those who are single, the probability of meeting someone special is rather slim. Hang in there.

Sorry CC, YS, SJ, & A lot of other people… Guess you’ll have to wait one more year…

Drabit & Rabgon
Rabbit: There is a strong chance that singles will meet the love of their lives
Dragon: The probability of meeting someone special is rather slim.

You’d meet the love of your life, and then they’ll disappear the very next day.



There is a high chance of falling ill and being accident-prone. Have adequate rest to ensure that you are always alert. This is especially so for those who drive.

Be careful Candy Tay & Suraj… Who else is a 1987 baby and driving?

You may suffer from lethargy, gastric and stomach problems, weak concentration and a short attention span.

I think I already am…

You may be more forgetful. Try to have adequate rest and be positive. Most of the health issues that will arise this year are due to people issues and being too stressed out.

Again? Might as well repeat the whole year. Let’s bring back SL and GPA…

It may make you feel demoralized and even cause you to doubt yourself. Ensure that you surround yourself with a positive environment and positive people.

Positive Aura…

Drabit & Rabgon
Sleep for 20 hours… Use the other 4 hours to visit the doctor.



There are many back-stabbings and betrayals this year.

SL #2? Spare me!

Avoid sharing too much information with people who may have a conflict of interest with you. The irony is that due to your strong popularity this year, there are some people who will not like you to be so likeable and decide to make life tougher for you than it should.

Is this the reason why some people don’t like me now??? Lol…

Protect yourself by not flaunting your popularity and keeping a low profile.

What popularity?

There are signs of being involved in legal disputes this year.

Oh god…

People problems are severe. Try to be humble, diplomatic and tactful. Avoid getting into any direct conflicts with others. Back-stabbings, betrayals and misunderstandings are very common this year.

I thought they were common every year?

While others are trying to irritate you, especially on the career front, it is important to understand that you need to focus on your own goals and do not let others offend or affect your emotions so easily.

Drabit & Rabgon
Wear an armor… Too many backstabbings…



There are more sudden challenges that are expected to jump at you this year.

Was the pun intended?

Hence, always make contingency plans. You will function better in a team. If you could arrange the resources such that your teammates handle the technical or operational parts of the job while you handle the marketing and public relations side of it, your success rate will be higher.

Why the hell am I attached to the Operations department then?

There will be more office politics this year. Be prepared to protect yourself well against it. Avoid gossip corners. Avoid flaunting your success or your popularity. There may be legal disputes due to envious people.

Stupid jealous people!

The authority figures, management or your boss are likely to give you more opportunities to show off your strengths this year. There are more chances of promotions or being given more responsibilities.

I’m doing enough work as it is already. No need for more…

If you are in business, you may be considering expanding your business. You will be busy this year. However, severe office politics will prove to be very challenging for you. Avoid direct conflicts with others.

I don’t go looking for conflicts. They come looking for me…

This is the time to utilize your diplomatic skills. Do not trust anybody on the career front this year.

Drabit & Rabgon
Your career life this year will be as bad as SL’s hair…



This is all based on the horoscope that was sent to me by my uncle. It is in no way a reflection of how your life SHOULD be for the next year. I know I’m definitely not going to live my life like a Drabit/Rabgon.

I just thought of another name for this… Drabbitgon… Sounds nice huh? Copyright Please!

Drabbitgon *c in a circle* - Lol.

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