Monday, December 10, 2007

Bye Bye Weekends. Hello Uncomfortable TNT Chair.

Time really does fly by during the weekends, and here I am, back at work with another 5 days to go before the weekends once again. Thank god I only have to endure this for another 7 weeks. I can smell the end coming…

I headed for Waraku for dinner on Friday night with the company of Chee Chuan, Daniel, and Shwa Juan. Time flew by during this dinner just as well. Started eating probably at 8, and left at 11.

1 hour to look at the menu and decide what we want since there’s only 1 menu…

1 hour to eat and go “Ooh” & “Ah” at our food.

1 final hour to chat and laugh our asses off, while consuming their water at the same time.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little.

I headed home after dinner as there was nothing else that we could do. I took the train to Raffles Place so that it wouldn’t be as packed, and when I boarded the train, it was practically empty. I happily sat down on the seat as I think about sms-ing Shwa Juan & Chee Chuan to tell them that I have a seat from Raffles Place to Pasir Ris. As soon as I grab out my phone, I think to myself… “Wait... something’s not right. Why would there be so many seats?” I take off the ear piece, and I hear: “Next stop, City Hall Interchange”. I breathe a sigh of relief. But then thought to myself once again, But I could be on the train back up to Orchard. So I wait, and then I hear: “Next Stop, Dhoby Gaught Intechange”.


I was too embarrassed to sms Shwa Juan and Chee Chuan after the incident. Lol.

Went to the airport on Saturday to send the OITP students off… Well, more specifically, Candy, CJ, Yong Xian & WJ. I then headed to Terminal 3 to walk around with Daniel and some others. Nothing really that impressive there, and it just seems like all that money was wasted on useless things. How much was spent on this Terminal 3? Right… $1,750,000,000 ($1.75 Billion). All on things like a 300 meter vertical garden. Well, this “Vertical Garden” is actually vines hanging down the side of a wall, stretched across 300 meters. “Interesting” right?

Another feature in this terminal 3 is the butterfly garden. Yes, they’re going to have a butterfly garden in the Terminal 3. Can someone just answer one simple question of mine? WHY? Why is there going to be a butterfly garden in Terminal 3? You might as well throw in a crappy theme park whenever they feel like building a Terminal 4. Do you also want to have a naming competition for the Terminal 4 while you’re at it? Let’s give $2000 to the person that can come up with: “Terminal 4”. How creative…

I need to stop bottling up my feelings especially when it’s problems that I have with some people. So here’s a go at it… Maybe one day, I’ll stop this bad habit of mine and tell these people about it in their faces.

You claim to only be yourself and open up more when you’re around close friends. But from what I see, you're only "yourself" when someone from the opposite sex is present. Horny maybe?

I gave you the benefit of the doubt… I told myself that it was something important that you had to attend to. Guess I should’ve given my benefit of the doubt to NKF instead; at least there would’ve been a chance that I would not be disappointed.

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