Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ocean Sunfish

This may be a little late, but it's better than never right? So here's to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm definitely looking forward for the New Year cuz that means two things, Holidays & the coming end of the attachment. So I've been sick for this past week with the major illness being flu and cough. But I'm on the road of recovery.

Anyways, I received a totally unexpected Christmas Wish from someone, and it's just surprising since the differences that we had were not yet resolved. But I guess that the 3 Poly years has really made us all grow. Let bygones be bygones I guess. Well, Provided he was sincere and not being sarcastic.

It just hit me recently, 3 years. Almost 3 years is over in just a snap of the fingers. And It's been 3 and a half years since I came back from the US. I don't want to get older! Well, maybe only once I hit 21.

So I had a great Christmas eve. I ended up not going to the two original plans (I cancelled one for another, but then that one got cancelled), so I had to plan something at the last possible minute. Because it was so last minute, everyone else already had plans, and only Suraj and Daniel were gracious enough to accompany me Ha. I wasn't expecting much from this as the both of them weren't planning to stay till past 12. So I was totally prepared for one of the worst Christmas ever. But it turned out great!

We headed to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner and stayed there till about 1:30. Well, Me and Suraj did. Daniel left around 11 as he had other plans. The highlight of the day was Kumar & Co. It was just absolutely hilarious. There was also this band called Enigma that was performing, and the lady in the band was good. Anywayz, I was calling Chee Chuan and Shwa Juan up to see if they wanted to join us since they were around the area, but they just ditched us in the end Ha.

Me and Suraj were planning to take the last train home so we gulped down the 2nd glass of alcohol a tad bit too fast. We missed the train, so both me and Suraj ended up taking the Night Rider. I passed out on the Night Rider somewhere in between the hour plus ride. No, not from the alcohol but because I was SO tired as I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. Thank god I woke up in time to alight at my stop.

While searching for the picture of the Ugly pig shown in the previous post, I stumbled upon this picture. Real or Fake? You decide:

I'm actually hoping that this picture is fake. Can you imagine stumbling upon this Pigzilla when you're in Palau Tekong? It then got me thinking, What other animals can grow to MUCH bigger sizes as compared to what we know? For example, did you know that catfishes can grow to sizes like those shown below?

Ugh Right. Those don't really look like cat fishes to me. Maybe an Elephant fish describes it better. Cats are supposed to be small and cute.

There's also this other fish that I stumbled upon. It's average weight is 1000Kg, 1.8 meters long, and like 2.4 meters tall. It's name is the Sunfish.

No wonder there are people out there that are afraid of the water. With Sunfishes and Catfishes that big, who wouldn't be intimidated?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.