Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Sleep...

Slept at 5:30am yesterday, and I woke up at 8.45am. Damn fucking construction workers were drilling the walls early in the morning. Is this even allowed? Isn't there a law that states that they're not allowed to be doing construction during a certain time?

They kept drilling and drilling, and it seemed like they were creating a hole big enough for an elephant to walk through. Why the hell are they "upgrading" the place anyway? The place looked perfectly fine. And more importantly, It was PEACEFUL!

You wanna upgrade the place? Get rid of the residents that live on the 1st level that leave their bra and panties out to dry along sidewalks.

Sorry, very minimal sleep = cranky.


It feels like I'm counting down the days till I die. The day where nothing else matters. Where personal interest, and dreams are worth nothing more than the dust on the shelf.

I never thought that this would affect me as much as it has. What happens after? What happens during? Questions after question, but still no answers.

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