Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hoping for the best, Expecting the worst.

When everything seems to be going well, Life always finds a way to set that back. Just like a couple of days ago. But lets not talk about that.

I found out where i'm attached to for my ITP. I've been attached to this company called TNT Express Pte Ltd. It has a staff strength of like 400 people (I don't know if this is good or bad...) and it stated that I will be working on "TNT-based web page, Internet, and Web Page Design" based on the "Additional Info on the work you do" posted at school. (Thanks Shwa Juan!)

So with this, it comes with good and bad news... So lets just start off with the good...

The good news is that its pretty close to my house. No more traveling to dover back and forth 5 times a week. Although I don't exactly know where this company is, or how i'd get there, I'm pretty sure it'll be faster than me heading to dover.

The bad news is that... I'M WORKING THERE BY MYSELF! No one else is attached to this company at all! I will be going there and working by myself for like the next 4 months... Those who know me knows that I HATE having lunch by myself. Hopefully this won't be the case for like 4 months. I don't wanna be the loser that has lunch by himself everyday.

Can you imagine me eating the lunch that I brought from home sitting in the corner and eating by myself? Gosh... Hopefully it'll be nothing like that. It feels like i'm going to high school all over again or smth. Haha.

There's nothing else right now that I can do besides hoping for the best, and expecting the worst.

Ok fine, maybe there are certain things to do like learn HTML again (Although my lecturer didn't really teach me HTML the first time round). But it's the HOLIDAYS leh!

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