Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's been a while...

So not much has been going on lately. I've been sleeping at like 5 in the morning on most nights because I've been staying up to watch the US Open matches. Go Novak Djokovic, Andy Roddick, Serena Williams, and Venus Williams!!!

Anyways, I went over to a chalet yesterday. It wasn't some friends chalet, but it was my mom's friend's chalet. They met when they were working in the US when they were both posted to the there. Their kids are of the same age as us, and there's also a younger brother who's now in primary 3.

I haven't seen them in a really long time, maybe like a year and a half, and I thought that seeing each other might be weird. It turns out, it wasn't weird at all. We started talking and talking, and I didn't leave the place until 6 in the morning. It's nice to be able to talk to someone that can really relate to me because we were both in the US at the same times. 1995-1997, and 2001-2004. Or something like that.

We talked about childhood memories that we had in the US, and other Singaporean kids that we were friends with. Its just really weird that we both lead our own lives, and when we meet, we kinda catch up for all the lost times. I never would've predicted that we'd still see each other or even talk to each other 10 years ago.

It's Nice.

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