Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I am one of the “Heroes”

I knew it all along that I had it inside of me. I knew that I was different from all of my loser-ish friends (just kidding btw) and I just found out what my super power is. (I originally thought my super power was allowing me to sit on people...)

I knew that I was made to do something in this world. What’s my super power? I can predict the future.

I predicted that I would have lunch all by myself, and guess what? I DID. Day two of work, and I ended up eating by myself. Sad huh?

Most of the people treat me like i'm invisible. Wait... Invisibility might be another one of my super powers. None of them actually talked to me. Lol. My outgoing character has turned into some office person who just sits at his desk squinting his eyes at his computer.


I made another prediction and it came true once more. That prediction was that only things can get better. And it did for today!

Today when I got to work, this lady asked me if was going to lunch today and if I wanted to go and have lunch with her. So we went out for lunch together, and she's a pretty funny person. While at Bedok Interchange, another lady sat beside us as she was having lunch by herself. (She's also from our company). I talked to her, and I guess they're pretty alright.

Then I went back to work, and I fell silent again. I guess we can't really talk and joke much in the office as the boss is in a grumpy mood these past few days. So yeah, I went back to squinting my tiny eyes. I hope they don't say that I fell asleep.

Stayed back a little today to write notes about each report that I have to do and at the same time wait for the company's transportation to the Tanah Merah MRT Station. Talked to this other guy who runs around the place. It really sucks that the people I actually get along with don't really work with me.

Oh yeah, I can make time fast forward and rewind too! I have to punch card you see, and It's always 10 minutes fast. I admit I can't control my powers of time changing... So I have to be there 10 minutes early EVERYDAY lah! Cannot leave early also, because wait everyone gossips about me being lazy...

Alright, since I have such a super power of predicting the future, I'm gonna predict the 1st Prize of 4-D. Make sure you buy it ah!

The number is...


I'm confident that this will be the first prize!

I realised that the hits on my blog have increased at a faster pace since the attachment has began. I only have one thing to tell all you lucky b!tches who has so much time to view my blog while at work...

Keep doing so!

Yours Faithfully,
Mr Jealous,
Mr Predict the Future,
Mr Invisible,
Mr Time Mover,
Mr Miserable,
Mr Sit on People.

aka Claven.

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