Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pics and Stuff...

Alright... Just a quick update on some stuff... Like my internship...


Seems like i'm not exaggerating anything. My school's supervisor has now gotten involved and has told me that he MIGHT be pulling me out of the company if they don't stop making me do the reports soon. I was told to basically give him an hour to hour basis on what I do at the company.

I've never heard of someone being pulled out of a company before. This is my first, and it might be happening to me... Me and my drama filled life ... lol.

I'm stuck in the middle of two rocks about this situation though. Sure, i'd LOVE to leave the company, the work sucks, and the tension in that office is just so high. and the environment that i'm working at is just quiet. It just seems like everyone in there is working EVERY single minute. Never once taking a break and to just be human. Until lunch time or after working hours. Damn TNT has hired some REALLY good people to do work...

But that's just not me. I love to have fun while working at the same time. Same goes with projects and any other things that i do. Whats the point of doing them when you're not having fun?

Life's too short.

But then again, I pity my supervisor (Ajit). You see, my department SQ (Service Quality) is a small department. It only comprises of 4 people, including me. The big boss of SQ is never around, and he's always at meetings and such. Ajit is 2nd in line and has been recently packed with a bunch of projects and meetings. Jasper is leaving in like 2 and a half more days... and then there's me.

Everything is happening at the same time for Ajit. The work load, Jasper leaving, Me coming, and Someone new coming to replace Jasper. Its just hard for him to handle and his hands are already tied behind his back. So I wanna leave, but what happens if I really do? Who's going to teach the new person how to do the reports? (I'm supposed to be the one teaching him/her btw, and i'd be graded on my supervisional skills also. Which i think Mr. Ho, my school supervisor, would NOT like.) I believe that the new person that's about to be hired is from an internal posting, meaning that the person has been working in the TNT for some time already, and just decided to change their job scope/surroundings. This is a huge disadvantage for me...

Why would a grown adult that has been working in TNT longer than me want to take instructions from a person that is here only for attachment? How am I supposed to "delegate" my work to them? - Which is what Ajit told me I have to do.

I have the hour to hour record of what i did on Friday, but there's no point for me to type it out here. Since I believe none will be interested. lol


TNT had an event just recently. It was hilarious. The MC kept telling the big bosses to "Suck Harder" as the game was that the boss had to drink orange juice from a milk bottle. Me and the other interns from NYP just laughed our asses off at the back... lol... I wonder what i'd do without them. Guess i'll find out in 3 weeks time as their attachment ends then...


Had a dream about 2 nights ago... Dreamt of people that I actually forgot existed... I dreamt of some people in the US, and it was weird...

Prior to that night, I had a dream that i was in a packed elevator and the cable just snapped and i was plummeting to my death. In there, i told myself: "So, this is how it ends..." Yeah. Talk about being under stress....


Anywayz, here's some pictures from the zoo that I promised on the last entry.

This Orang Utan was the one that was hiding from that huge Charlie... It even used that rice sack to cover itself as it was drizzling that day... Smart animals...

Welcoming Orangzilla... Charlie. But I gotta admit, its the best looking Orang Utan to me as its hair is really nice.

If you can't see what the wordings say, it says "This is how far a tiger can jump"... We placed Iris there just to show you how far it is. lol.

At the entrance, they took several photos of us. This is a really nice photo but i didn't feel the urge to buy it at first. Then while waiting for the cab home, I regretted my decision... So I took a photo of the photo that the others bought... lol. I know. Cheapskate.

I love the camera!!! It takes such clear photos and it can zoom in pretty far. Lol.

Here's Carol trying to take a picture with that... um... thing...

Us 5 with a clear view of the Mandai Reservoir... Or is it a lake? (From Left to right: Carol, Iris, Me, Johnathan, Wei Li...)

Read it... And stick it in your head. Don't you axeman feel bad???

This is the reason why i'm an avid surporter of Live Earth... Lol.

Ok... These were some of the pictures that I took, the others were all of the animals. So there's not much point in posting those pictures. One last note:

I'm Hungry....

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