Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So last Sunday I went out for dinner with my family. We were on our way home from dinner and stopped at the traffic light of Bedok North Road and Bedok Reservoir Road.

I was channel hopping on the radio. Switching between 93.3, 98.7 and 98.0. It was 8:20 and I was thinking: "Man, when I get home, I can sleep early so that I would not be tired for work tomorrow..."

Next thing I knew...





I flew forward a little bit, had one arm on the drivers seat, and the other on the cupholder that was in the center. I didn't move at all for like 5 seconds, and I couldn't even think of words to say. My mind was just blank.

Turns out, this Blue Honda hits the rear right end corner of our car (closest to me). My dad said something, but I can't remember what, and he got out of the car to examine the damage. So after talking for like 2 mins the guy says, why don't we drive after the traffic light and park at the side then we'll talk there (The accident happened on the center lane).

So we hopped into our not so perfect car and drove past the traffic lights. We waited for a minute or so but the car never came.

Wa Lao Eh!

Don't tell me he ran away ah?

So me and my dad walked back and they were still parked there in the center. We crossed the road and walked over to them. basically, their Front left wheel had concaved in, and it was impossible for them to drive off. The driver, a lady of only 3 years my senior was stuck inside her car and was unable to get out as the front bumper went underneath the car and lodged her door shut. But at least no one was hurt.

They were a malay family who were probably going back home (They also stayed at Pasir Ris) after visiting people as they were all dressed up nicely and everything. They had a baby in the back seat too, probably unaware of what was going on. (No wonder they say ignorance is bliss)

So we asked them what happened and the story that they told us was this:

Their car was stopped behind our car at the traffic light. They decied to change lanes form our lane to the lane on the right. When they peered through the side view mirror, there were no cars. So she proceeded with the changing of lanes.
Out of no where, this grey Subaru comes speeding down this lane and hits them. They then hit us. However, this grey Subaru drives off after hitting them. (So it's a hit and run case)

To believe or not to believe. That's the Question...

But I believe.

The reason is because the malay family seemed like really nice people. Ok, thats not a valid reason... But it was because we had heard the rattling noise before the collision of the Honda into us. No we didn't hear the *Boom* when the Subaru hit the Honda and we didn't see the Subaru either.

But that rattling noise convinced us. You see, the Honda's front bumper was underneath the car. So the bumper moving across the road would have caused the rattling noise. And also, if the Honda had just hit us without the Subaru, the bumper would have still been at the front, instead of underneath the car.

We believe that the Subaru hit the front of the Honda, knocked off the Bumper and then the Honda went over the bumper and hit us.

But DAMN the Subaru Driver. You hit a car, which causes a 2nd collision and you dare run?

I hope you fall flat on your face and smash your nose in.

And then you try and go for plastic surgery but come out of the room with a nose like Michael Jackson's.

Ok... I shouldn't be cursing people. I don't want bad Karma. So i'll take that back...

But seriously, a Hit and Run case. I feel really bad for the malay family cuz like we should be asking their insurance company to pay for our damages. Of course they would want the Subaru to pay for our, and their damages, but we just don't know the license plate number of the Subaru...

And also, I can't stand the people that stare like nobody's business when there's an accident.

And there's no use winding down the window either... You can smell the accident meh!?!

And you know the sign that people do with their hands when they're angry? You know the one where it seems like they're flipping/pointing their middle fingers but just don't have the guts to do so, so they just use all 5 fingers?

Yeah, that sign. Must you do that cuz we're blocking the road?

The car is in the center lane, It can't be driven off, what do you want us to do? The tow truck is on the way... You want us to tow it out of the road ar?

F*cking Ignorant Selfish people...

Oh yeah, and a police car with flashing lights arrived. I looked away, and the next thing I knew, they were gone. And there I was thinking that they actually cared.

So we had to go to the Neighbourhood Police Post and make a report. And there was only one guy working at the counter handling the complaints/cases. We spent like a total of 45 minutes there. Damn... Too many police checking IC's in broad daylight already...

Yes, It happened to me once. I was at a chalet at Changi, and we were walking over to changi village for lunch. the 5 of us (So its not even an illegal gathering). Then suddenly a police car stops us and asks us for our IC. We were walking on the sidewalk, NOTHING illegal there...

Why check our IC when its 12 noon, and 5 people? Scared that we're guys by day, and Ah Gua's by night ar?

So I only got home at like 10 something close to 11, and my right shoulder was aching. Guess its the after effect of the collision.

Stupid Subaru... Hope it breaks down...
Hey, cursing a car shouldn't have bad karma on me right?


The new guy has came in to work already... He's still learning all the different kinds of reports from Jasper. Then i'm supposed to teach him some other new stuff today... Then I start teaching 2 weekly reports each week... Slowly easing my work load...

I kinda pity him. Gosh, what a boring/tedious job he'll have until he gets a different job.

He seems like a nice guy, and thank god he's a new employee... At least it minimizes the fact that he'll pull rank and make me do the work...

On a weird note, TNT's internet was down for like half a day that day. I couldn't even use it to go to google or whatever.

But I think due to that upgrade or downgrade, the ban that they have on certain websites are down...

That means that I can go to Myspace, Friendster, and even Youtube!

But I haven't really went on those sites yet. Scared that they have some kind of tracking system. Haha...

I can also sign into MSN!!! But it signs me off after 10 seconds of being online. So, F it.


I have a medical appointment this Friday, so that means I have today, and Tomorrow left until the weekend... WooHoo!!! These couple of weeks seem to have gone by pretty quickly... Hopefully, 15 other weeks will go by quickly too...

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