Friday, November 09, 2007

Life Just Sucks.

I've recently gotten really lazy and stopped blogging. Maybe I'm too busy with work and I can't seem to talk about anything else besides complaining about my work. My Life's pretty crappy now.

Go to work while anticipating the weekends.
The weekend rolls around, and I dread Monday.
Then the cycle just repeats itself over and over.
For 17 times.

Even though I only have to go to work tomorrow before the weekends come around, I still dread it. There are 2 reasons for this.

1 - Tomorrow is the last day that Sinarta, Daphane, & Estee will be working at TNT. Although I only see them for 80 mins a day, (10 minutes before work, 60 minutes at lunch, & another 10 minutes after work) they are the ones that make work so much more pleasant. I can't believe I'll have to go through 11 more weeks without them. I will miss you guys!

2 - My boss wants me to come up with a draft tomorrow. I got access to the company's intranet at 11pm on Tuesday. He told me to take a look at them, and that he wants the full draft of what i'm going to be doing by Friday. He said he would give me access to the Express Company's intranet and asked me to take a look at it tomorrow. From there, I'm supposed to "figure out" everything and come up with a draft by 4pm tomorrow. Oh yeah, the Intranet obviously isin't accessible from home...

Based on experience from school, drafts are... Drafts. They are a rough idea of how something should look like, hand drawn, and subject to alot of changes and improvements. I guess the word Draft means something else in TNT.

He wants to know what i would be writing on each page, what picture i would be using for each page, and he originally wanted it to be computerized. He only told me that i can hand draw it since there wasn't much time. But by hook or by crook, he wants a computerized draft (basically a "Blueprint" by Monday). I'm not Superman...

& I'm not Edward...

It's not that easy to have that done by 4pm...

After the month of November, I was told that I would be working on a different project. A project that has NOTHING to do with IT. Then, at the end of it all, I would have to give a presentation in front of 5 managers telling them what i've learnt and how i would apply that knowledge in the future.

Did i mention that I'd be graded on this presentation?

Why does this feel a little bit like FYP? Is this even allowed?

Why are they judging me based on ONE presentation instead of how much i've improved or how much effort I put into getting the work done?

I got a B for my monthly grade. I asked my supervisor how I could get an A, and this is what he said:

"Right now, you're hitting my expectations. You're giving 100%. But for you to get an A, you would have to give it 130% and catch me off guard by surprising me and going beyond the distance"

That's what he said.


I know running never solves the problem.
But I wish it could.
I just wanna run & never look back.

One day, I'll look back and be proud that I made it through this ordeal...
But that's only if I make it through...

1 comment:

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