Monday, December 03, 2007

Kelvin's Morning Dumb Moments

I was looking through the log book and I turned to the blue page wondering the kind of information that I had to fill in. That form is meant to be filled at the end of the attachment, and it asks for information such as what you learnt, if the Internship program was useful, yada yada yada… I got so amped up! I can’t wait until the day that I sit down at home and fill that form up. Gosh… I can feel the end slowly but surely creeping towards me. Anybody saw the movie Click? Can I just fast forward until the end of the internship?

Anybody knows about “Kelvin’s Morning Dumb Moments”? Yes, I have my really dumb moments in the mornings. Don’t blame me; my brain just hasn’t warmed up yet. Even machines like cars and computers need to warm up. Why can’t humans have some warming up time? I meant for the brain of course. If you’ve only seen me in school, then you haven’t seen any of my dumb moments. I already had 45 minutes on the train for my brain to warm up. Hell, I think my brain is about to overheat after 45 minutes.

I can’t remember most of my dumb moments as the brain was not warm enough, therefore nothing was sent to the brain’s memory card. But I do remember one conversation that I had on the train with a friend that I had not met in about 5 years?

So we talk about school, She’s from Nanyang Poly (Ok, maybe some info was sent to the memory card). So we were talking about how far away school was from where we lived. And one part of the conversation was like this:

Brain-dead me: Yeah, but Nanyang is far right?

Smart-ass her: No lah, It’s not that far. It takes about the same time if I were to go to Singapore Poly lah.

Brain-dead me: Really?

Smart-ass her: But anyways lah, Singapore is a small place.

Brain-dead me: Yeah I think so too. Singapore Poly is nearer… *Crickets Chirping*

Smart-ass her: Looks at me with the “HUH?” look.

Brain-dead me: Looks at her with the “Yes, can I help you?” look.

Can’t help it lah. I worked at Customer Service before. And I’m proud & embarrassed at the same time to say that this is only a minor case. Other cases include stuff such as Baby Eng Cai with Sambal (Baby Kang Kong with Sambal). Yes I know there’s no such vegetable. The people that I was with definitely let me know how dumb I was then. So, today I had another dumb moment. A lady was in the elevator with me and we had a very small conversation.

Lady: Hi, I’m sorry… But you are?

Brain-dead me: …

Lady: You’re from the Operations department is it?

Brain-dead me: Yeah, I’m from the Ops department.

Lady: *Looks at me and has the “Why you never answer my first question” look*

Lady: And your name is?

Brain-dead me: Oh, Kelvin.

Hell. I THINK I said Kelvin. I could have said Brad Pitt or Osama Bin Laden for all I remember.

Anyways, this weekend was good. I didn’t do anything at all, so I managed to get enough sleep. This is something that I have NOT been doing in the past month. Saw the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil (The first one) and I’m hooked. I want to know what happens next. I only watched until that laser beam cuts the guy into hundreds of pieces. I wonder how the story will go from there. I had a dream yesterday night. And it was about me and an elevator once again. I think it was probably caused by the elevator scene in Resident Evil.

Found out a little about some family drama once again. I seriously feel that my life is a little bit like a drama series. Cut out the boring moments like work and stuff like that, edit it so that it flows, and then show it on channel 8. Instead of Tong Xing Yuan, it’ll be like Tong Xing Quan or something like that.

This family drama revolves around Guy A who’s not married, used to have a girlfriend who got married to Guy B 40 years ago, but the lady (who just recently passed away) mentioned that her daughter was Guy A’s child. No DNA was done to confirm this, and we don’t know if the daughter knows about this. Straight out from the TV right?

I’m now waiting for the “Guy get’s filthy rich” storyline to happen to me. It’s just a matter of time that my parents reveal to me that they own the Caribbean Islands or Hawaii or something. Oh yeah. I’m also missing the “Long Lost Sibling” storyline. Oprah & Bill Gates, please get a DNA test…

Since Yue said that my Blog seems like a composition, and that there's no pictures, I'll post a picture here then. My Dog Vicky...

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