Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things that annoy me on the train - Part 2

Pardon me for the delay in between these two posts. I've been really lazy these past couple of days, and whenever I would have a feeling to blog, I'd be too tired to do so. So, let's just carry on.

Number 10
People that listen to music really loudly

These people seem to be deaf. If I'm able to listen to the song that's playing on your ipod, then don't you think that ipod may be a little bit too loud? The worse thing is when I'm able to listen to the song that you're listening, WHILE listening to MY songs. Ear checkup maybe?

Number 9
People that lean on the poles

The poles are meant for people to hold, and not for you to lean on. The glass panels that you see when you walk in the train is meant for you to lean, but not the metal poles. I've seen inconsiderate people lean on the poles when the train is packed. The other people would have no choice but to try their hardest to balance themselves.

Number 8
People that shake their legs

Ok, so I'm sitting down, and I'm enjoying my music. Another person sits down beside me, and starts shaking his leg. Just in case you don't know, I can feel it. So what do I do? Well, I start shaking my leg too. After a while, they'll get irritated, and when they stop, I would considerately stop too.

Number 7
People that fall asleep and starts to lean towards you.

This is the thing that probably annoys me the most. The only reason why it's number 7 is because sometimes, you just can't help it. But it's so irritating when the person beside you leans closer with each stop of the station. I remember once I purposely jerked my leg just to wake the person beside me up. In another scenario, I saw a guy falling asleep, and the girl beside him kept staring as if he did it on purpose. She probably thought that he did it purposely just to get close to her.

Number 6
People that talk really loudly on the phone

This usually occurs when the elderly receives a phone call. They practically scream into the phone. I could even hear it WHILE listening to my Ipod. I then later turned it on louder that I probably became the irritating one in Number 10.

Number 5
People that play music on their phones

They probably think that they're so cool because their phones can play music. Well, News Flash: So can mine, and the person beside me probably can too. In fact, more than half of the people on the train probably owns a phone that can do that. So stop acting cool, and turn the damn phone off. Or at least, play some NICE music.

Number 4
Kids that run amuck

You know those super energetic kids that scream and shout upon entering the train? Well, then afterwards they run around the poles and chase after one another. I'm so irritated by them that I just wanna stick my feet out when they run past me. Call me mean, but it's just SO annoying! Maybe it's because i'm not all that good with kids, but I think that they should be brought to the zoo or something. Let them run around that zoo. They'll be too tired to even talk when they're on their way back home. I'm happy, I'm sure the kids are happy that they could run, and the parents get a break. Everyone's happy...

Number 3
People that places their bags on the chair

What the hell is your problem? Put the bag on your lap, or put it on the ground. Why are you placing them on the chair that is meant for a person's ass? Did your bag pay for a MRT ticket? Are you being charged double? I bet the answer to those questions was no and no. So put the bag or groceries on the ground.

Number 2
Aunties that Rush for seats

The door opens, then you see a bunch of aunties that seem to be taking the shuttle run in the NAPFA test. They come in, their eyes scan the horizon, and they run towards the prey. In this case, the prey is the empty seat. Just 3 days ago, the door opened, and this auntie came lunging forward. She scanned the horizon once again, but there just wasn't any empty seats. What did you expect? You boarded the train at Bugis! After seeing that there weren't any seats, she had to end it with the "Tsk" sound. So Typical.

It was also this day when I saw a woman who boarded the train at Tanah Merah. She stood at the door and her luggage was on the floor while she carried a small little bag. As soon as someone stood up, I saw a small little boy heading towards the seat. But he was cut off as this auntie ran towards the seat as if there was a 50 dollar bill. She ran to the seat, placed her small little bag on the seat to "reserve" it, and then went back to her luggage and dragged it across. If she had to carry the luggage then alright, you probably need the seat. But the luggage was on the ground. Couldn't you have the little boy take the seat?

Number 1
People that dig their nose

If you wanna do so, please do it discretely, while using a tissue. But most uncles, you know, the ones with the super long pinky fingernails do so openly. They dig and dig and then after doing so, they flick whatever "treasure" they found which is utterly DISGUSTING. This should be a crime!

So there it is, the top 15 things that annoy the hell out of me when I'm on the train.

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