Monday, April 21, 2008


What goes around comes back around. This is the same for both bad and good karma, and I've not been receiving bad karma these past couple of days. But let's not jinx myself here... Lol.

Met up with Shawn last week for badminton, and I was sore all over... But then I probably gained all the weight that I lost back as I met up with him for Jco Donuts on thursday. They're pretty good, but still not as good as Krispy Kreme... Lol...

I then later met up with Suraj right after that and we went to boat quay as he wanted to meet up with the guy for a job as a valet. I believe he got the job as I was trying my best to be distracted besides the fact that the weather was freaking hot. We then later walked to Marina Square from boat quay and had dinner at Waraku... My favorite Japanese restaurant. Haha.

Went to my uncle's place on Saturday as my mom and my aunts all wanted to play mahjong. They started playing at like 7 and only ended at 2am... approximately 7 hours for 2 games... Speaking of Mahjong, I feel like playing mahjong right now... lol.

I went over to my god-parent's place yesterday and had steamboat for dinner... But before that, I went over to my god-brother's place. He has this surround sound, a 40 inch plasma and he started playing Jay Chou's concert on it. Damn, it sounded, and looked good! So yeah, not much is going on these next few days. Although I'm supposed to head over to borrow the Graduation Gown.

And is the outing still on for April 24th? Why aren't there any plans yet???

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm Back

Ok... So I've been back for like 4 days already, but I've just been too lazy to blog. I left for Genting on the 8th of April at 7, and I arrived at Genting around 2-ish. After checking in, and placing our bags in the rooms, we headed down to the Indoor theme park area where the food and all the shopping were at. We were initially supposed to eat at this Hainan place for lunch, but we changed our minds after looking at the menu. We then headed to Marrybrown for lunch. (This was the only time I ate from the fast food restaurants when I was there!).

We later got the Indoor Theme Park tickets and we played the Bumper Cars and the Indoor Roller Coaster the most times. There was only one strategy when it came to the Bumper Cars: 5 on 1. The 5 of us all attacked Leon. This was the case for all the 3 times that we played. We then walked around the place looking for a place to have dinner. We walked to the buffet area at Genting Highland resort, but the food did not look appetizing. We then headed to some kind of a coffee shop place at the Resort Hotel. We had steamed fish, deer meat, sambal kangkong and some kind of chicken, and it only costed us SGD $7.

Day two came by and that was the day for the Outdoor Theme Park. We first met up at 10am and I had Dim Sum for breakfast. We then headed straight for the Theme Park, and the first ride that we took was the Pirate Ship. I've never taken the Pirate Ship for about 9 years because I find it really scary. And after 9 years, I still have the same conclusion. My mouth would tremble every time the ship was going down and couldn't even scream. The only way was to laugh it off. Me and my cousin started laughing uncontrollably on the ride, and I was saying the word "Fuck" every time the ship would go down. But of course, I tried to say it softly as there were others on the ride.

The 2nd ride that we went on is my personal favorite, the Corkscrew. I love the corkscrew, especially the first drop. My cousin who loved the Pirate Ship said that the Corkscrew was scary. They were practically screaming my name throughout the whole ride as if they were blaming me for making them go on the ride. After that, we decided to go slow and just rest for a little while. We took some pictures, and took some kiddy ride called the space station or something. It was so stupid. They then headed to play the Super Toboggan which I did not play as there was a weight limit. And surprise surprise, I'm over it. Lol.

They then later went to play the swing that swings people round and round. I sat out of this one as well, as I did not feel safe with just a metal wire supporting all of my weight. We then later went to play the roller coaster meant for 4 people, and then it was the spinning tea cup afterwards. This was hilarious and I did NOT want to be seated with Leon in a cup. I wanted to share with my cousin and her bf because we did not want to spin the cup. However, there wasn't enough leg room and I had no choice but to get in the cup with Leon. He wanted to spin, I didn't. So we spent the WHOLE ride making it a battle of strength. He'd try and spin one way, while I counter-react. When I got off the ride, I was SO tired.

We then went to play the flying dragon roller coaster and this was probably a bad idea. The ride tosses you from one side to the other which causes your legs and arms to knock against the inside of the ride. I'm surprised I didn't get any bruises after that ride. And then it was time for the Rolling Thunder Mine. This ride has been closed for the past 5 trips that I've been there. So I was very happy when I found out that it was operating. After this, they wanted to reply the Pirate Ship, and I chose to sit out of that one. Then it was back to the Corkscrew...

After the Theme Park, We had lunch at Kenny Rogers, and then me and my cousin went to the karaoke while the rest went back to rest. Soon, it was dinner at the same coffee shop again. Headed to the arcade afterwards, where Leon found a cheat way to garner tons of tickets. We eventually managed to get enough tickets for Candy to redeem a stuffed toy elephant. The next day rolled around and we were on the bus headed back for Singapore, but after some shopping of course. Anywayz, I had tons of fun on the trip, and all the trouble that I had while planning the trip was worth it.

Rested on Friday, and then I went out with my mom and my brother on Saturday. We headed to Chinatown as my brother had to get some school stuff, we then went to some restaurant for their deserts (Which is really good - I had Creme Brulee). Afterwards, we went to a Fish Spa. You know, the ones where the fish nibble on your dead skin... It was so ticklish at first, but then you get used to the feeling after awhile. Headed to my Grandma's Birthday dinner afterwards.

Saw the movie Untraceable today, and it's pretty good. So yeah... I'm lazy to think of something interesting to blog about, so I'll leave it for another time. As for now, at least you're updated with what I've been doing... :)

I'll post pictures from the genting trip when I actually get them...

Monday, April 07, 2008

Pre Genting

So i'll be leaving for Genting in like a matter of hours... Well, it's technically like tomorrow morning, but it actually feels more like late tonight than tomorrow morning. As you all know, my sleeping times have been pretty irregular so yeah....

I still gotta get toiletries, I still gotta change money, and I haven't packed my bag yet! That's me, everything's like last minute...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Fun Couple of Days

It's been quite a while since I last blogged, so here I am. First off, the Genting trip..

It's been so frustrating organizing this trip. The trip to Genting was supposed to be a class thing, but it didn't turn out so well. Tons of things happened in between the confirming and the booking of the trip.

The original people confirmed going were: Me, Chee Chuan, Yong Sheng, Candy & Chris.
The people that are booked for Genting are: Me, Candy, Chris, Shu Juan (My Cousin), Bernard (Cousin's BF), and Leon.
The people that are going to Genting are: Well, I don't know yet. I hope it's not going to change, but so much happened in between confirming and booking the trip that I'd be stupid to not have my doubts. But I'm praying HARD that there's no more changes. If there are changes, I'd hope that it's additions instead of withdrawals.

What happened in between confirming and booking? Well, I'm not posting it here as I'd definitely step on some toes.

Not only was the number of people going constantly changing, the price of the trip was changing as well.

It was originally $113 (5 stars and Grassland)
Then $105 (If I booked the hotel and bus tickets seperately. This included free breakfast + Magic Show Tickets)
Then $98 (If the bus tickets were from Sri Maju instead of Stars or Grassland)
Then $108 (The hotel rooms were fully booked when the people going were confirmed)
Then $113 again (Cuz we were at People's park and were lazy to take a cab down to Golden Mile)
Then finally, $88. Grassland had some kind of promotion. (But no Free Breakfast & Magic Show Tickets)

Went to book the trip with Candy and Leon on Friday. Then Me, Leon, and Candy met up with Chris at town and had dinner at Ajisen. Went to Coffee Bean afterwards and talked. I was then asked to attend Chris's Birthday Celebration on Saturday. Went to Chris's Birthday Party which was at the Bukit Timah area if I'm not wrong. Got to meet one of Candy's Cousins Adeline, and One of Chris's BMT friend Bo Wei. Ugh... The sound of BMT makes me cringe. Anywayz, here's a picture that we took when the lights at the pool were turned off.

The lights were turned off as we stayed till around 2am. Bo Wei who lives in Tampines then drove Me and Leon (who was going to stay at my place for the night) home. We came home, and I showed Leon the first episode of The O.C. He got pretty hooked on it right away. I forgot how good The O.C. was during Season 1. Anywayz, I slept at 8am, and then woke up at 2pm. My brother's friend was also over at that time, so the 4 of us slept on 2 single beds. SQUEEZY...

My Bro's friend (Adam) rented a car that day, so the 4 of us headed out afterwards. We picked up one more of my Brother's friends John, and then we headed to Popeye's for dinner at the Singapore Flyer. We walked around the Singapore Flyer for a little while then they decided to play LAN at Orchard. I SUCK AT COMPUTER GAMES. So imagine how bad I was when they decided to play Counter Strike. I've only played it once before and that was like 8 years ago!

After we were done, We dropped Leon off at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station as it was like 11:30 pm. We then headed to Changi Airport to pick up one of Adam's friends Sherry. We then headed to Changi Village for supper then went to the beach afterwards. We then got back into the car, and went to Punggol to look at the house that's supposedly haunted. You know, the house that's in the middle of a field? So we drove around it. We were scared as hell when we couldn't start the car but it was because Adam didn't have the gears in the correct position or smth.

We then headed to Holland Village and drove around looking at the Rich People's Houses and we got lost while trying to look for a house at Ewood Park or a road that sounded something like that. We were turning around and around trying to look for the Ewood Park road for at least 2 hours. Haha. It was actually fun getting lost! We took a break from looking as we had to urgently use the bathroom. It was only then when Sherry asked a guy where Ewood Park road was at. The guy told us that it was at another place. pointing much further from where we were looking for the road. When we finally got to Ewood Park, the lights were all off (it was like 4am at this point) We then sent Sherry home, sent John home, and then I finally got home. I was practically dead at this point.

So I had tons of fun. Shu Juan and Bernard and one of my friends are coming over tomorrow to play some Mahjong. Wish me luck! Lol.