Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy But Fun Days

Phew... It's been a pretty busy past couple of days and I've enjoyed them. Well, I didn't enjoy so much today, but still...

Last friday, I met up with Wanying and headed to Downtown East to have our lunch, and to watch the movie Ironman. Pretty good movie, but my mood wasn't all too good when I got out. There was a kid sitting two seats away on my left who kept talking and talking.

"Why no ironman!"
"Why Ironman explode?"
"Haha... Just now the ironman like this... *Makes his best impression of ironman*"

"Why don't you just shut up!" was what I wanted to say to the kid. But I held it in. In between the kid and me, was either his uncle, or father. Thank god he's sitting in between us or else I would've been so tempted to smack the words out of his mouth everytime he opened them. And the parents or the adults that accompanied him didn't really try and ask him to shut up. What is this world turning into?

Right after, I met up with my Mom and headed to Tampines where she was meeting up with one of her colleagues whom I knew after seeing him so many times. We were clueless as to where to eat, so we headed to Swensens. We had to wait for about 45 minutes before we could get a seat. 45 MINUTES! Singapore is WAY too damn crowded. Headed home after dinner and stoned in front of the TV when Survivor Micronesia came on... [Cue Survivor Music]

Woke up at like 8.30am the next day as I had to attend an award ceremony that my uncle was in. He won some kind of Model Worker Award and was so proud of it. Haha. Headed to Tung Lok Restaurant at East Coast right after for Buffet Dim Sum! - It's just so damn good...

Went to Tampines right after as my Mom didn't wanna drive far, and me and my brother started shopping there. I finally managed to buy a Volleyball, and it was only for $17... That itself made my day. Saw the movie What Happens in Vegas later in the day, and there was an irritating guy sitting right next to me that kept talking. Why do I have such bad luck in the theaters?

This may be a sign that's telling me to stop watching movies when they're just released as the chances of meeting irritating people in there are much higher. Headed home with our happily purchased items and I snored my ass away as the night changed to day. Haha.

Woke up the next day, and I headed downstairs with my brother to play some volleyball. It's been so long since I've been in contact with a volleyball. I miss the sport just that damn much... Headed to my niece's 1 year old birthday party at Aloha Loyang and caught up with all of my cousins and we played card games such as bluff, and The Queen Says. The initial plan was for me to stay till early in the morning, but that didn't happen as everyone headed home around 10-ish 11...

Went back down to the Chalet on Monday but I brought my volleyball this time. We spent quite alot of time playing v-ball which was great... BBQ-ed some marshmallows after that, and I was satisfied. Haha.

Went to my medical appointment on Tuesday and stupid things happened. Nothing's wrong with me though, it's just I realized I have a doctor with a brain size of about a pea... And his handwriting is like... Well, everyone knows how bad my chinese is right? I might understand the letter more if it was written in chinese. That's how bad his handwriting is. At one point, it even seemed like he wrote: "Oceans who with Joy". That's how bad it was. I'll scan it up one day, and we can play a guessing game. Haha.

Anywayz, met up with my uncle after that to pass to him our camera as he was heading overseas, and then I met up with Shawn. We headed to this Horse Stable (The name of it is like Gallop Stable) at Pasir Ris park, and we had our dinner there. The Fish n Chips that I had were pretty good though... Walked back after that, and me and Shawn played the guessing game when I opened up my Doctor's Letter. I asked a random stranger to see if he was able to read anything, and he just shook his head over and over.

Woke up late today, and helped my mom rip songs from cds into her mp3 as they're heading for Genting tmr. I've been doing the ripping of songs, and naming of songs since like 4-6, and 8 till 2! That's like.. 8 hours. I've never worked on something for such a long time before. Lol. Well, I meant like after my school days were over, I've never been so hardworking on just one specific task.

So my parents are away until Sunday night.

Mahjong anyone???
Movie marathons at my place anyone???

And I wanna go to Sentosa this weekend to play Volleyball.... Anybody even interested?

P.S.: Yes I know... The hint was way too obvious. Lol.

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