Thursday, May 01, 2008

Colossal Squid

So I haven't blogged in a long time, so here I am. I've not been doing much lately, only meeting up with Shawn every once in a while. I get so lazy when it's time to blog, and I have no clue why. So anyways, Met up with my FYP groupmates last week. Headed to Waraku for dinner and then we went to Paulaner's Bar for a drink. Caught up a little bit and that was about it. Nothing special to talk about. Haha... Oh wait... There was.

At Waraku, I ordered this set where you're supposed to pour the eggs into a hot plate that's sitting right on top of a fire. Well, The plate was tilted at a certain angle, and I didn't even notice it. So when I poured the egg, all the egg white fell right out of the plate onto the tray. Leaving only the egg yolk. And I don't eat egg yolk! I like the egg white! Stupid Gravity... I hate gravity sometimes. Especially when you fall face flat in front of people.

Anyways, I've just read of a news of a Giant Squid that was caught in 2007 and they were thawing the giant squid Live on webcam. The Giant Squid or scientifically known as Colossal Squid is about 10m, 495kg, and if you were to cut them into calamari rings, they would be the size of tractor tyres. However, according to them, it would taste like ammonia... So no huge calamari rings for us... If you don't know how big this is, I drew a cute little picture for you to understand the size of it.

(Wa Lao... I'm damn proud of my drawing of the Giant Squid Okay? It looks exactly like a big Sotong lah!)

Realize that the eyes of the squid is about the size of my head? Well, they said that it's eyes are like the size of dinner plates. And as round as my face is, I don't think it's bigger than a dinner plate. If that's not big enough, they said that it can grow considerably much larger.

This is the reason why I would not EVER want to be stranded in the middle of the ocean. I'd rather be stranded on an island. I can then pretend I'm on survivor. Haha. The song that plays before an episode of Survivor comes on is now currently in my head...

During these free times, I've also been watching Youtube videos and I now I'm in love with a song called "Say It's Possible". It's written by Terra Naomi, but so many others have sang their own version of it. I know that most people don't view the Youtube videos when it's put up on a blog, but just listen to it when you're bored alright? Lol.

This is probably my favorite version of the song. By Jay Brannan...

And this one is a duet... It's really nice as well...

Anyways, I have to get my graduation robe on Friday along with my classmates. And I also have to buy my laptop adapter cuz the wires inside has snapped. I believe Monday I'd FINALLY get to eat the Dim Sum buffet at Tung Lok Restaurant at East Coast that I've craved for so long! Anybody wanna come along??? Lol.

I believe I stumbled upon Gary Cao Ge's blog earlier today, and he mentioned that he's going to have a concert in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Singapore! Hopefully this information is real & true...

So that's about it for today, take care guys, and I'll try and blog more often...

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