Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A wonderful day.

Today marks a significant day. No it’s not my birthday, none of my family’s birthdays, & it’s not my dog’s birthday.

Today is the day that signifies that we’re halfway done with our attachment. It is week 9, Wednesday. We’re ½ done… Next to look forward to is to have ¼ of our attachment left.

I also showed my boss the intranet that I’ve been working on for the past month, and he said: “Good Job”… (Guess that means I’ll be getting a B for this month instead an A since I didn’t blow him away until he was speechless)

Ok it’s not my family’s birthday, & not my dog’s birthday. But it is however, Candy Tay’s Birthday! (Thanks CC for confirming my suspicions. Lol…)

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Candy,
Happy Birthday to You…

I typed that all out… It’s not copy and paste… so feel honored hor... Haha…

You do know that if we were in school, there’d be a cake, and your face would be halfway in the cake by now already right?

Candy… No longer a teenager… Feels kinda old right? Never mind, I’ll be joining you in that age group in just a mere 3 months… CHINESE NEW YEAR lah!!! On the 4th day of Chinese New Year some more.... Remember ah you all… Haha…

So, this marks us halfway through the attachment, my boss says good job on the intranet, and Candy’s birthday…

Today is a good day… Wait no, today’s a great day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Haven’t blogged in a week, and I only have one excuse: Busy Busy Busy… Ok, maybe not, But I was busy doing other things like sleeping and such. Important ok?

Went to watch Enchanted on Friday, pretty nice movie. It’s one of those fairytale kinda movies, so don’t go in the movie expecting a great mystery like “The Da Vinci Code” and come out crying asking why the ugly queen turned into a pretty dragon. Before the movie, I went to Jack’s Place at Century Square for dinner. I’ve been there several times, and I guess the food’s alright.

So we went there, and Iris says: “I have a voucher for Jack’s Place”. She then pulls out a paper, and passes it to me. I take a quick glimpse of it, and said, ok, we’ll ask the person if it’s still valid or not. So we walked to Jack’s Place and we handed the voucher to the lady. She says, it has already expired, so I look at Iris and say: “Chey… Expire already lah”. Then iris says, but it says that the expiry date is 2006 to 2007 mah. The lady then says, I’m sorry, but it’s actually 20-06-2007.

Go ahead laugh all you want…

Done? Alright, let’s continue…

We both ordered steak but different kinds of steak. (Mine much thinner, whereas hers is much thicker). I ordered mine to be medium rare, and Iris wanted hers to be medium well. We waited for about 10 -15 minutes, and the food arrives. Everything’s good until I take the 3rd piece of steak that I had sliced off. Mine is medium well as it’s barely red at all. Iris cuts her steak, and hers is medium rare, the red meat still in the center. At this point, it’s already 6:40pm, and the movie begins at 7.10pm. So I just wanted to point it out to them that they have probably mixed the order up.

I informed the waitress, and she asks me to hold on while she goes to the kitchen. We continue eating, as we didn’t have much time left and we weren’t planning on having the food changed because that would waste another 10-15 minutes of our time. The waitress walks back out, mumbles something and walks to the front of the restaurant. I look at Iris, Iris looks at me. We had no clue what she said. Soon, I guess the manager walks to us and asks us about the problem. At this point, the waiters and waitresses begin to crowd around us.

I explain everything to the manager and she asks if we would like it to be changed. We replied: “Oh no, it’s ok, because we’re in a rush for time, and we just wanted to point this out. That’s all.” She then says: “Oh, ok. Because you see, this steak is much thicker, so when we cook it, it will be more bloody then others. Whereas your steak is much thinner, so after cooking, it will be more cooked than normal.” This is where I get annoyed. I then said: “I’ve been to this place several times, and I’ve always ordered this. It has always been medium rare until today”. She then says: “Alright, I’m sorry. I’ll inform the chef”

Stupid explanation… Thank god both me and Iris were in a good mood… If not we would’ve said something like “Don’t tell me your chef has no cooking skills at all? Don’t tell me the chef can’t judge how long a steak has to be cooked for medium rare based on its thickness?” If it’s thick, then cook it longer. If it’s thin, then don’t cook it as long. Simple logic, even the cows know this.

Went to Waraku for dinner on Saturday again. Hope I get sick of that place soon or else I’d want to go there every week for dinner. But I doubt i'll get sick of it soon as the food is just too damn good. Lol.

Went to have dinner at Fortunate Restaurant on Sunday and it totaled up to 230 dollars. 18 dollars for a Salted fish with Bean sprouts. Anyone else agrees that 18 dollars for “tau gei” is too expensive?

Took MC yesterday (Monday) as my throat was killing me. It still is killing me now, but it’s not nice to take 2 MCs in a row… The medication causes drowsiness, so I’m off my medication now. What to do? Sleep at work meh?

I’m thinking of a X’mas party or something like that. Get a function room decorate the place up with lights and a Christmas tree. Have a huge spread of ham, turkey and other stuff on the table with Christmas music playing in the background… I’m SO looking forward to Christmas. That is because:

No Work.

And nothing is better than not having to work right?

I’m So excited about Christmas that I asked around for a recipe & cooking instructions on how to cook a turkey, and someone emailed me the answer.

(It’s actually my uncle who just randomly emailed me the recipe & cooking instructions)

Here is a Turkey recipe that also includes the use of popcorn as a stuffing - imagine that. When I found this recipe, I thought it was perfect for people like me, who just are not sure how to tell when poultry is thoroughly cooked, but not too dried out.

Give this a try.

8-10 lb. Turkey
1.5 cup melted butter
1.5 cup stuffing (Pepperidge Farm is good.)
1.5 cup uncooked popcorn (Preferably Low fat)

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2) Brush chicken well with melted butter, salt, and pepper.
3) Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn.
4) Place in baking pan with the neck end toward the back of the oven.
5) Listen for the popping sounds.

When the chicken's ass blows the oven door open and the chicken flies across the room,

The Turkey is done.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Japan fleet sets off to hunt humpbacks

So I’m at work and I’m reading this article on Yahoo. The title of the article says it all. “Japan fleet sets off to hunt humpbacks”. Reading this makes me so angry and everything. I’ve copied the article and highlighted what I felt were the more important or nonsensical information.

SHIMONOSEKI, Japan - A Japanese whaling fleet sailing toward waters off Antarctica to kill protected humpback whales was itself the target of a hunt Monday by environmental activists who vowed to disrupt the expedition.

Greenpeace said its protest ship Esperanza was searching for the fleet south of Japanese territorial waters and would shadow the ships to the South Pacific to try to reduce their catch.

"It's a large ocean, but we're going to track them down," expedition member Dave Walsh told The Associated Press by telephone Monday.

The Japanese fleet was embarking on the country's largest whaling expedition, targeting protected humpbacks for the first time since the 1960s. In a farewell ceremony Sunday for the four-ship expedition, officials told a crowd at the southern Japanese port of Shimonoseki that Japan should preserve its whale-eating culture.

"They're violent environmental terrorists," mission leader Hajime Ishikawa said. "Their violence is unforgivable ... We must fight against their hypocrisy and lies."

Families waved little flags emblazoned with smiling whales and the crew raised a toast with cans of beer, while a brass band played "Popeye the Sailor Man."

The whalers plan to kill up to 50 humpbacks in what is believed to be the first large-scale hunt for the once nearly extinct species since a 1963 moratorium in the Southern Pacific put the giant marine mammals under international protection.

The mission also aims to take as many as 935 minke whales and up to 50 fin whales in what Japan's Fisheries Agency says is its largest-ever scientific whale hunt. The expedition lasts through April.

Japan says it needs to kill the animals in order to conduct research on their reproductive and feeding patterns.

While scientific whale hunts are allowed by the International Whaling Commission, or IWC, critics say Japan is simply using science as a cover for commercial whaling.

Ken Findlay, a whale biologist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, said the humpback population was recovering but said he was worried Japan would kill whales from vulnerable breeding grounds like those off New Zealand.

He also said Japan's hunting methods were unnecessarily cruel. Japanese whalers sometimes chase wounded animals for hours, he said.

"I don't think firing a harpoon at a whale and then dragging it next to the ship is ethical," Findlay said. "You question the necessity of that. It's not research."

An IWC moratorium on commercial whaling took effect in 1986, but Japan — where coastal villages have hunted whales for hundreds of years — has killed almost 10,500 mostly minke and Brydes whales under research permits since then. Tokyo has argued unsuccessfully for years for the IWC to overturn the moratorium.

The Japanese hunt, which puts meat from the whales on the commercial market, is growing rapidly despite an increasingly vocal anti-whaling movement. This winter season's target of up to 1,035 whales is more than double the number the country hunted a decade ago.
Japan argues that it should have the right to hunt whales as long as they are not in danger of extinction.

The American Cetacean Society estimates the humpback population has recovered to about 30,000-40,000 — about a third of the number before modern whaling. The species is listed as "vulnerable" by the World Conservation Union.

Where do I even begin? At the port, officials told the crowd that they should preserve their whale eating culture. Then they went on to claim that they are doing this SCIENTIFIC whale hunt to research on their breeding & feeding patterns? How contradicting... Do you even need 50 Humpbacks for this SCIENTIFIC research then?

And people were carrying flags of smiling whales in support of this hunt at the port. I for some odd reason feel that the whales are the last ones to smile. Who the hell thought of putting a picture of a smiling whale on a flag as a way to support this hunt? Is it a way to make themselves feel better when eating the whale? Thinking that the whale wanted to be chopped up into millions of pieces then placed into the mouth us humans and be chewed up?

They said that the numbers of these whales have climbed up, therefore, it's safe to hunt them once again. Does this mean that the whales ALWAYS have to be on the endangered list? It took DECADES to get the humpback whales out of the endangered category and into the vulnerable category. But i dont' think the primary reason for doing so was so that the Japanese Whalers can hunt them and bring them back into the endangered species category again.

I remember seeing a footage of the Japanese whalers killing pilot whales in the sea. The water around them was bloodshot red, and there were newborn babies among them. The actress in Heroes Hayden Panettiere (Claire Bennet) was there with a group of other enviromentalist to stop the slaughtering, but she was hit with a paddle during the process, and all the whales were not saved. Including the damn baby.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sony Bravia!

So my Survivor on Friday did not disappoint. And I got Smackdown vs Raw 2008 on Friday just as well, but I barely had time on the weekends to play it. The majority of my time was spent on going out or sleeping.

But I still didn’t get enough sleep this weekend either. So that makes it 2 weekends in a row that I haven’t had enough sleep. Woke up at like 10 on Saturday to meet Candy, Juan, Bernard, and Chuan. I was one of the earliest again, as usual. Lol.

Went to Waraku for dinner afterwards, and it was GREAT. My first impression of that place was that it was expensive as I saw some of the pricings of the sushi at East Coast. But the noodles are reasonably priced – and Great tasting.

Walked around the area for a little bit and talked for a little while at Starbucks. I realized I haven’t been there in ages. They didn’t even have my Raspberry Tea Frappachino anymore lah! I used to frequent Starbucks so often… Well, I guess it’s good to get out of habits that require you to spend money right?

Got back home at like 1-2 and I wanted to play my game. But, I forgot that I have yet to update the website for my god-cousin. So I stayed up till 5 to work on the website. Fell asleep right after that, and I woke up the next day at 10 again to head over to my ah gong’s house. (Although technically, it’s my God-Ah Gong. But nobody calls anybody that right?) I was there the whole day and I found out my laptop had a virus that stopped me from reformatting my computer.

STUPID RIGHT? If there’s a virus, reformat can solve the problem. Who knew that there would be a virus that stops you from reformatting your computer? Machiam like bacteria like that. Invades the body (in this case the laptop, MY laptop) and sets up a mechanism that you can’t destroy by using antibiotics. Then they’ll start reproducing the exact copies of themselves… Although I don’t think the virus does that.

Side note: I think this damn monitor is a little bit spoilt. I can see the screen like jumping a little, and it causes headaches for me.

So while I was on my way to my ah gong’s house, my mom called me and said that she bought a TV for me. Lol. My room is supposed to under-go a MAJOR revamp, and I wanted to get a LCD for the room. She bought a freaking 26’ Sony Bravia. Boy do I feel lucky. High Definition baby! Lol.

Alright enough of my TV… Here are some (And when I say some, I mean 4...) WAY overdue pictures of when I went to Graxs with Iris and Co.

That's us!

Important Business men has to answer calls no matter what. Even when taking pictures.

The Chronicles of Iris and Carol.

P.S. We have 10 more weeks to go. Including this week...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


For those of you that don’t know, I am a 1988 baby. Based on the Chinese Calendar, I’m a rabbit. But if it’s based on the normal calendar that we ALL go by, then I’m obviously a dragon. Technically, I should be a rabbit. But heck… Dragon seems much cooler than a rabbit right? So... I’m a Rabgon or Drabit…

At least it makes me special from all you people. Lol.

Rabgon - Rabbit’s head with a Dragon’s tail…
Drabit – Dragon’s head with a Rabbits butt…

A Rabgon would be able to fly… But then I’d have to eat carrots everyday…

A Drabit would eat… What the hell does a dragon eat??? And I’d have to hop around everywhere...

Oh well, whichever one... I don’t care…

Why am I talking about this? Did I eat too much sugar and get hyper?
Well, it’s because I received an email about the Chinese horoscopes…



Be extra careful when it comes to investments this year. This is mainly due to a lack of concentration and a shorter attention span. Either sleep on the idea for some time before making a decision or request someone that you could trust to go through the fine print of the contract before signing on the dotted line.

Though your wealth luck is good this year, there is a concern of losing it through legal problems. If you are investing this year, you must do your own homework and go through the fine print. Even if it means that you need to take a longer time and greater effort to study into it before making a decision, it will be worth it.

Drabit & Rabgon
Your Wealth luck is not that good. So you should stop dreaming about your Castle… And start sweeping the Castle’s floor.



This is a very good year in terms of relationships. Those who are attached will have a high chance of getting married this year. There is a strong chance that singles will meet the love of their lives. For those who are married, the passion in their relationship will be burning bright.

For those who are attached or married, you may want to have more personal space this year. For those who are single, the probability of meeting someone special is rather slim. Hang in there.

Sorry CC, YS, SJ, & A lot of other people… Guess you’ll have to wait one more year…

Drabit & Rabgon
Rabbit: There is a strong chance that singles will meet the love of their lives
Dragon: The probability of meeting someone special is rather slim.

You’d meet the love of your life, and then they’ll disappear the very next day.



There is a high chance of falling ill and being accident-prone. Have adequate rest to ensure that you are always alert. This is especially so for those who drive.

Be careful Candy Tay & Suraj… Who else is a 1987 baby and driving?

You may suffer from lethargy, gastric and stomach problems, weak concentration and a short attention span.

I think I already am…

You may be more forgetful. Try to have adequate rest and be positive. Most of the health issues that will arise this year are due to people issues and being too stressed out.

Again? Might as well repeat the whole year. Let’s bring back SL and GPA…

It may make you feel demoralized and even cause you to doubt yourself. Ensure that you surround yourself with a positive environment and positive people.

Positive Aura…

Drabit & Rabgon
Sleep for 20 hours… Use the other 4 hours to visit the doctor.



There are many back-stabbings and betrayals this year.

SL #2? Spare me!

Avoid sharing too much information with people who may have a conflict of interest with you. The irony is that due to your strong popularity this year, there are some people who will not like you to be so likeable and decide to make life tougher for you than it should.

Is this the reason why some people don’t like me now??? Lol…

Protect yourself by not flaunting your popularity and keeping a low profile.

What popularity?

There are signs of being involved in legal disputes this year.

Oh god…

People problems are severe. Try to be humble, diplomatic and tactful. Avoid getting into any direct conflicts with others. Back-stabbings, betrayals and misunderstandings are very common this year.

I thought they were common every year?

While others are trying to irritate you, especially on the career front, it is important to understand that you need to focus on your own goals and do not let others offend or affect your emotions so easily.

Drabit & Rabgon
Wear an armor… Too many backstabbings…



There are more sudden challenges that are expected to jump at you this year.

Was the pun intended?

Hence, always make contingency plans. You will function better in a team. If you could arrange the resources such that your teammates handle the technical or operational parts of the job while you handle the marketing and public relations side of it, your success rate will be higher.

Why the hell am I attached to the Operations department then?

There will be more office politics this year. Be prepared to protect yourself well against it. Avoid gossip corners. Avoid flaunting your success or your popularity. There may be legal disputes due to envious people.

Stupid jealous people!

The authority figures, management or your boss are likely to give you more opportunities to show off your strengths this year. There are more chances of promotions or being given more responsibilities.

I’m doing enough work as it is already. No need for more…

If you are in business, you may be considering expanding your business. You will be busy this year. However, severe office politics will prove to be very challenging for you. Avoid direct conflicts with others.

I don’t go looking for conflicts. They come looking for me…

This is the time to utilize your diplomatic skills. Do not trust anybody on the career front this year.

Drabit & Rabgon
Your career life this year will be as bad as SL’s hair…



This is all based on the horoscope that was sent to me by my uncle. It is in no way a reflection of how your life SHOULD be for the next year. I know I’m definitely not going to live my life like a Drabit/Rabgon.

I just thought of another name for this… Drabbitgon… Sounds nice huh? Copyright Please!

Drabbitgon *c in a circle* - Lol.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekends are over...

So I told myself that the next time I enter a blog entry, it would have the pictures of when I went to Graxs with Iris & Co. But I guess not. I wanted to enter a blog entry on the weekends but I was way too busy. I didn’t even get enough sleep lah!

Anyways, today is my Mom’s Birthday. So Happy Birthday! You Guys should call up my home phone and wish her a Happy Birthday too. Lol. Jk.

Watched my Survivor on Friday – this is ALWAYS a highlight. It marks the end of the week, and the beginning of the Weekends, & Also because that one hour is just SOOO entertaining. They are down to the top 8 now.

Got woken up at like 10 am on Saturday by my Mom. She wanted me to yell at this guy.

Ok, not like some crazy psycho person… There was a person stuck in the elevator at my block. For some odd reason the lift is jumping up and down and the elevator was slowly, BUT SURELY, creeping its way up. So I guess my Mom had a sore throat and she woke me up so that I could yell to the person inside telling them that we already called the people.

According to my mom, the guy was already stuck in the elevator for a long time, and when she made the call to the elevator service repair people (What do you call them? Mechanics) they said that no one had called to report this case.

SERIOUSLY!!! No One Called!?!?

Damn… I don’t ever want to be stuck in the elevator now… Imagine sitting in the elevator while it’s jerking up and down for a few hours…

After that, we went out for lunch at Tampines and I originally wanted to eat my Fried Fish Lor Mee… But they were closed. We just helped someone get out of the elevator. Why is bad karma still following me? Lol.

So I then ate Bar Chor Mee… & it’s a branch from the Blk 85 Bar Chor Mee. Ok, guess I had good karma there…

Got back home and I tried to do my Intranet work from home. Yes, I was working on my work at home… Surprising eh? Anyways, I fell asleep even before I started. Lol. No Surprises there…

Woke up at 5pm, and worked on my intranet until 2 am. Taking breaks every now and then of course. One break worth mentioning though is that I went to Changi Airport to send my Mom’s friend off. Yes I know them very well… He was flying off to Dubai and will be gone for 2 years. Sounds a little like us. Just that I went to US instead of Dubai.

He packed a HUGE luggage. He’s probably planning to kidnap a camel back to SG when he comes back or something.

Anyways, I got back home and continued with my work once again. I didn’t complete it until 2am. And I fell asleep right after that.

Woke up at 9 something on Sunday, as I had to attend my Mom’s Ex-Colleague’s ROM ceremony…

I had this really great looking cupcake that I could not bear to eat. It was just too pretty. Lol. Well, that was the case until my brother decided that he wanted to eat the “flowers” on top of the cake (Made of sugar). The cupcake wasn’t so pretty then… So I ate it.

This is the start of the 7th week of attachment... If only it was the 17th week… I seriously can’t wait for this to end… I’m supposed to work on these weekly reports and hand them in by tomorrow, along with my intranet by Friday. And the weekly reports aren’t given to me yet!


Sometimes, having half of it is worse than not having it at all.
Thanks. Thanks for giving half of it.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Life Just Sucks.

I've recently gotten really lazy and stopped blogging. Maybe I'm too busy with work and I can't seem to talk about anything else besides complaining about my work. My Life's pretty crappy now.

Go to work while anticipating the weekends.
The weekend rolls around, and I dread Monday.
Then the cycle just repeats itself over and over.
For 17 times.

Even though I only have to go to work tomorrow before the weekends come around, I still dread it. There are 2 reasons for this.

1 - Tomorrow is the last day that Sinarta, Daphane, & Estee will be working at TNT. Although I only see them for 80 mins a day, (10 minutes before work, 60 minutes at lunch, & another 10 minutes after work) they are the ones that make work so much more pleasant. I can't believe I'll have to go through 11 more weeks without them. I will miss you guys!

2 - My boss wants me to come up with a draft tomorrow. I got access to the company's intranet at 11pm on Tuesday. He told me to take a look at them, and that he wants the full draft of what i'm going to be doing by Friday. He said he would give me access to the Express Company's intranet and asked me to take a look at it tomorrow. From there, I'm supposed to "figure out" everything and come up with a draft by 4pm tomorrow. Oh yeah, the Intranet obviously isin't accessible from home...

Based on experience from school, drafts are... Drafts. They are a rough idea of how something should look like, hand drawn, and subject to alot of changes and improvements. I guess the word Draft means something else in TNT.

He wants to know what i would be writing on each page, what picture i would be using for each page, and he originally wanted it to be computerized. He only told me that i can hand draw it since there wasn't much time. But by hook or by crook, he wants a computerized draft (basically a "Blueprint" by Monday). I'm not Superman...

& I'm not Edward...

It's not that easy to have that done by 4pm...

After the month of November, I was told that I would be working on a different project. A project that has NOTHING to do with IT. Then, at the end of it all, I would have to give a presentation in front of 5 managers telling them what i've learnt and how i would apply that knowledge in the future.

Did i mention that I'd be graded on this presentation?

Why does this feel a little bit like FYP? Is this even allowed?

Why are they judging me based on ONE presentation instead of how much i've improved or how much effort I put into getting the work done?

I got a B for my monthly grade. I asked my supervisor how I could get an A, and this is what he said:

"Right now, you're hitting my expectations. You're giving 100%. But for you to get an A, you would have to give it 130% and catch me off guard by surprising me and going beyond the distance"

That's what he said.


I know running never solves the problem.
But I wish it could.
I just wanna run & never look back.

One day, I'll look back and be proud that I made it through this ordeal...
But that's only if I make it through...

Monday, November 05, 2007


The weekends came and went just like that. This is the 6th week that I will be at TNT Express, which is also the last week that the NYP Interns will be attached here. How will next week be like?

I’m not sure…

I went out to drink with Iris & Company on Saturday. On our way there, we were on this cab, and I swear that the cab driver was a little bit crazy. He started showing his middle finger at this other cab. He then wound down his window, and stuck his whole hand, with his middle finger and waved it around…

Talk about friendliness….

Got to our destination safely, and entered the pub/bar or whatever. The place is called Graxs, and it’s not like a really nice place, but it’s the company that counts right? We went there because it was Iris’s friends’ birthday, and she was working there.

The 6 of us drank 4 jugs of beer, and opened up a bottle of Chivas.

Atom got kind of drunk, and I felt hat he crossed the line with some of the comments he made to me & Carol. But oh well… I’ll just pretend that I didn’t hear what he said to me.

My eyes were red, my face was red, but I was not drunk. Dexter probably thought that I was though. He kept making sure that I was alright. Always making sure that I was not walking at the back of the group…

Thanks for the concern… (It’s not sarcasm)

The 6 of us went to Geylang after that, so we split into 2 cabs. Dexter gave the wrong instructions to the cab driver, and we walked for about 15 minutes to reach our destination. Haha. I’m not blaming anyone though… It’s nice to take a stroll every once in a while.

We had Tian Ji Zhou – Frog Porridge for supper, but it was SPICY. Took a cab home, and got home at 4:30am…

I was watching One Tree Hill season 4 yesterday, and they were asking each other when their most memorable birthday was. One replied their 12th birthday, the other replied their 9th birthday.

I can’t remember mine.

I don’t have a memorable birthday.

I can’t even remember much for my 18th birthday… and 19th…

I miss what WE used to have…

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Please Vote!!!

We need to vote… For those who know about this, good. For those who don’t, Listen Up! (Or read…)

I was planning to get a chalet after our attachments to celebrate, and also a small Graduation celebration or something. Ha-ha. Our attachment I believe will end on the 24th, and on the 25th we will have to go back to school for some Internship Debrief.

Here’s a calendar for the End of January and beginning of February for the year 2008

Chinese New Year falls on 7th Feb
Internship ends on 24th Jan
Debriefing on the 25th Feb
My NS Medical Checkup on the 29th Jan – Yes, this is important!

For the chalet, I was thinking of booking the Changi Chalets, since it’s cheaper, and much bigger than Downtown east. We can arrange our own activities and bring our own entertainment… So yeah…

The days to book the Changi Chalet are either weekends or weekdays. (Check-in is from 3pm-5pm, Check-out is by 10am)

Weekends: Thursday to Monday ($160)
Weekdays: Monday to Thursday ($45)

I won’t be around for almost the full day on the 29th as the medical checkup thing is like 9 in the morning, and will last for about 2 hours. After that, we have to sit through some test that’s like 4 hours wrong if I’m not wrong.

So we have to decide when you guys want it.

Option 1: 24th – 28th Jan
Option 2: 28th – 31st Jan
Option 3: 31st – 4th Feb
Option 4: 11th – 14th Feb
Option 5: 14th – 18th Feb
Option 6: 18th – 21st Feb
Option 7: None of them. Make it later.

People that have voted: Also pick an option for when the chalet should be held on...

Kelvin - Aye (Option 6)
Yong Sheng - Aye (All Options)
Chee Chuan - Aye (Option 3)
Shwa Juan - Aye (Option 6 &/Or 7)
Candy - Aye