Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Ok ok... The pictures taken at Sakura is now up in the iwantiwant4862 Yahoo! mail account. The password is still the same. Haha...

I went to Botak Jones for dinner yesterday. It was my first time there (Ya I know... Mountain tortoise) and I had their Chille Dog. It was freaking good... I cleaned the whole freaking plate which is a great achievement. Haha... I wanna go back there for dinner right now! lol.

Anyways, I attempted to get dinner at Elias Mall like 2 days ago. We (My parents and I) wanted to get food from the new "Zhi Char" place that just opened. We waited and waited, and the food didn't come, so we checked with them if they had forgotten our order. We then later heard a lady that was working there telling another lady that she would have to wait as WE were there first. But when the food came out, they gave the food to THAT lady! We then decided that we were tired of waiting, and left the place an hour and 10 minutes later. That's 70 minutes of my life that I won't be getting back. Do you know how precious 70 minutes is?

I could've travelled to City Hall, and back to Pasir Ris AND still have enough time to stop by Ben & Jerry's for my Oatmeal Cookie Chunk (or is it Dough?). Obviously I haven't been there in a long time.

Does anybody here google themselves up? I visited CC's blog just a while ago, and found out that he's googleable. (Pronounce it as goo-gle-a-ble - Ya, it's a new word that I created). Attempted to do it for myself and some others, and the blogs DO show. CC's blog appears as the 2nd link if you type in Chuanism in google. (SJ & Candy - You guys also appear in that search. Don't ask me why though)

Candy is also googleable, Keyword: Tinggie.

I'm also googleable.

But on the 3rd page though. Haha.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

After Attachment

So my attachment has ended, but I still haven't had the chance to get 14 hours of rest just yet. I'll eventually get the chance to though. I went to the attachment debrief yesterday and from what I believe, I didn't get an A for my attachment. This is so frustrating!

Even though the attachment is over, I'm feeling really weird now. I'm not happy, and it feels like I'm nervous about something that's coming up. But I really don't know what it is. Can it be my NS medical? Is it the fact that I'm done with Poly? Just what the heck is causing this feeling?

So I went to Sakura for dinner yesterday with the FYP peeps and we stayed there from 6 to 10. I was SOOOO bloated right after that, and I just felt like vomiting. Blame the Sashimi, Yam Paste, and all the great tasting food there. It just made me wanna eat and eat. But I guess it's alright as that was the only meal that I had for the whole of yesterday.

Made some Chalet plans during the 4 hours there, and there's still a HUGE grey area of how much food to get and a bunch of other stuff & I got the Gary's 3rd album yesterday as well...

To SJ, YS, and CC: I posted the New Year Pics in the email account. You guys can get them at the Yahoo! account of:

Username: iwantiwant4862
Password: (I sms-ed) you guys with the pwd already.

Oh yeah, I forgot to upload the pictures that we took yesterday. I'll do so soon. :)

Monday, January 21, 2008

Almost There...

I've been neglecting my blog for several days now. But can you really blame me? I've been busy on the weekdays, and then on weekends, I'm busy catching up on my Zzz hours...

I'm so close to the end... Just another day left! I would jump up and down if I could, but doing so will only make my head hurt.

I'm sick (Again) you see... I think I caught a cold yesterday, and my throat is killing me as well. And I can't think at work when I have the flu! It feels like all my brain cells (which is alot by the way - lol) converted into the runny mucus and makes me lose my ability to think.

Oh well, able to think, or not able to think. One thing's for sure. I've got one more day at TNT left and I'll definitely remmeber this no matter how much brain cells the flu converts.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 more working days for me...

It's funny how you can be so happy, and then reality just hits.

By the way, you're welcome. (I didn't even get a "Thanks" after staying up till 3 plus to complete it)

Don't make it seem like you're doing me a favour when you're just obviously going to claim my work. (Your "I'm going to do the presentation for you" isn't really convincing.)

I (painstakingly) put the graphs in Powerpoint (after several hours) cuz you said you wanted it to look presentable.

I left a copy of it in the excel file for easy reference. (So you don't have to open up the powerpoint EVERYTIME you wanted to look at the graphs). Now you complain there's duplicates? If you don't like duplicates, then just hit the "delete" button on the keyboard after selecting the file you don't want. (I'm so terribly sorry for making you click and press a button on a keyboard. Guess that's too much effort for you to do...)

What else do you do in that cubicle of yours anyway? Of course, besides downloading reports, and thinking of new reports to make my internship program a living hell.
I can't believe I'll still have to send you a "Thank You" card at the end of the attachment. Does anybody know where to get REALLY sarcastic "Thank You" cards? You know, the ones that say "Thank You" but actually really means "I Hate You" when you read what the rest of the card says?

some bosses are such asses.
My boss is such an ass.
P.S: I was happy because CC sent me two Cao Ge Songs out of the blue today. - Thanks!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Year's Eve

I lost my freaking TNT Temporary Staff card! I now have to make a police report…

It’s freakishly strange how I always manage to do something that’s the opposite of what others tell me to do.

Don’t lose the card - but I lose it anyway.

Don’t fall asleep – I go to Lala land and wake up the very next day.

I tell myself: “Don’t forget that I have to send a letter today” – I send it 2 days later.

No, seriously. I tell myself: “I’m going to forget to send that letter” just so I’ll remember it. And even if I don’t, I said I’ll forget about it right? Call it reverse psychology, call it crazy, call it whatever you want.

What the hell did I do that caused so much bad karma? It’s only 8 days into 2008 and I have bad karma coming around? I’m nothing but nice… Why me? :)

Anyways, here are some pictures that are way over due. I know CC, SJ, and YS have been waiting for them.

Here's the band that were playing at Hard Rock on New Year's Eve.

There's Cam Whoring, then there's Cam Hogging.

When I take the picture, YS then falls asleep.

Now Open up your eyes!

Maybe He's too tired...

SJ, What's wrong with your fingers?

SJ, your fingers again...

I tried to make some "Snow" effect. Ok, I probably failed terribly but whatever.

By the way, I got back my Staff Card. Someone found it and returned it to the HR department. Told you that I did good deeds! Haha!!!

I have piles of work to do... Ugh! 15 more days!!! (Including Weekends) If not, 11 more days to go!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

First post of 2008

2007 has gone and passed, and it’s now 2008 (Happy New Year guys!). I’m just hoping that 2008 will be much better than 2007 because 2007 probably takes the cake as the worst year of my life, and I pray and hope that it stays that way until the day I die.

So much happened in 2007, Final Year Projects, Internship (which I still hate btw), and a bunch of other stuff which is still bottled up. The first half of 2007 was good, and then it was just awful when it was nearing the end.

The worst thing of all was that the person whom I trusted so much wasn’t even there, or even bothered. And to think that I was warned of this behavior years ago by others. Guess I learnt my lesson.

Oh well, It’s a totally new year, so I’m just hoping that this year would turn out much better. Maybe this is the year that Melissa Nguyen visits Singapore. Keyword: Maybe.

I definitely feel like traveling overseas. No, not someplace like Johor Bahru. I’ve been there way too many times for grocery shopping. Not Pulau Ubin, and don’t give me that crap saying that you’re “going over the sea”, and this certainly leaves Pulau Tekong out of the picture just as well.

Redang Island Anyone?

Tioman Anyone?

Langkawi Anyone?

I don't mind leaving the beaches behind either, as long as we're able to just travel out of this tiny dot. Places like KL (Sunway Lagoon) or even the Genting Highlands is enough for me...

Just 3 more weeks left before the end of my awful internship. 14 more working days! Well, for most of you guys that is. I only have 12 left as I have 2 off days left to use.

The countdown BEGINS!