Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dad's Birthday

Today is my Dad's Birthday, he turns 49 today.

Tomorrow is Xing Yue's birthday.

Happy Birthday!

I gotta leave for my my dad's birthday dinner soon.

The only way to not be disappointed is to never have any hopes in the first place.

But how do you live life without having any hopes in anything or anyone?

Little Sleep...

Slept at 5:30am yesterday, and I woke up at 8.45am. Damn fucking construction workers were drilling the walls early in the morning. Is this even allowed? Isn't there a law that states that they're not allowed to be doing construction during a certain time?

They kept drilling and drilling, and it seemed like they were creating a hole big enough for an elephant to walk through. Why the hell are they "upgrading" the place anyway? The place looked perfectly fine. And more importantly, It was PEACEFUL!

You wanna upgrade the place? Get rid of the residents that live on the 1st level that leave their bra and panties out to dry along sidewalks.

Sorry, very minimal sleep = cranky.


It feels like I'm counting down the days till I die. The day where nothing else matters. Where personal interest, and dreams are worth nothing more than the dust on the shelf.

I never thought that this would affect me as much as it has. What happens after? What happens during? Questions after question, but still no answers.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

3 Days to Graduation.

It's 3 days to graduation. Where would you guys like to go and have dinner afterwards? Does this place seem nice to you guys? [http://www.hogsbreath.com.sg/] Check out the menu and tell me what you think...

I was watching One Tree Hill yesterday, and I laughed hilariously when this was said:

"You told Jaime [my son] that my dad went to jail because he didn't clean his room?"

Anywayz, I originally had plans for both Saturday and Sunday. But It turns out, my ass has been in the house for this whole weekend... Sad right? What are the chances that both of your plans would just get shot down like that? lol.

I originally had plans with my cousin and friends to go to Kbox yesterday, but that didn't happen because my cousin had to study, and one of my friends had no money and had to paint the house or smth. Or at least that's the excuse that they gave me. Haha.

I was also supposed to go to Sentosa today with Iris and her bunch of friends. But then she never called me yesterday, and when I called her, she didn't pick up her phone... What's up with that? Lol. Okay fine... I don't pick up my phone at times too, but it's always because it's on silent mode.

So anyways, I went to the Singapore Expo today for the Robinson's Sale, Food Fair, and the Popular sale thing. Most of the time was spent at the Robinson's sale though. Went to the food fare, ate some dinner, and then rushed over to the popular fair. By the end of everything, my lower back was in so much pain from walking and standing for such a long time.

Anyways, the French Open has officially began. Go Serena & Venus Williams! Go Djokovic! lol... But why the hell is it not showing on channel 24? They used to have every Tennis Grand Slam shown on that channel... Now where can I watch it? I gotta call and ask them up tomorrow...

Wait nevermind. I found out that it's now on Channel 22. Maybe it was on channel 22 all along. Haha. It's been at least 4 months since I watched tennis.

Anyways, I was just informed by someone of this news, and it sounds VERY ridiculous to me.

From the website: http://en.afrik.com/article13630.html

President plans to kill off every single homosexual

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh says he will “cut off the head” of any homosexual caught in his country.

Addressing supporters at the end of his meet the farmers tour here Sunday, Jammeh also ordered any hotel or motel housing homosexuals to close down, adding that owners of such facilities would also be in trouble.

He said the Gambia was a country of believers, indicating that no sinful and immoral act as homosexual would be tolerated in the country. He warned all homosexuals in the country to leave,
noting that a legislation “stricter than those in Iran ” concerning the vice would be introduced soon.

President Jammeh said he was bent on making the Gambia one of the best countries to live in
, adding that his government had spent over US$ 100 million towards the development of the country since 1994. He said, however, that almost 98 per cent of the amount had gone to foreigners.

What are your views on this? As I said earlier, it sounds ridiculous to me...

Who said that ridding a country of homosexuals would make a place better?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alps Cafe

Went to Sentosa on Sunday with Daniel and Leon along with my brother and Adam. We were at KM8 at the Tanjong Beach and hung around there for about 8 hours. My arms are now still kinda red. Saw Chen Han Wei, and Fiona Xie while we were there along with this DJ named Steve Aoki. I had no idea as to who he was. Wanted to order a bottle of Sarong Fly (Vodka with some special syrup that they won't ever tell you) but we were informed that it was 1 for 1. So we had two bottles of alcohol for the price of one.

I drank a little bit too fast and got kinda tipsy... (I only ate a little bit that day and I only had 3 hours of sleep each day for 2 days). Left the area around 8.30 and I felt like dying. I had a terrible headache and I had no clue whether it was the alcohol, lack of sleep, or the fact that I barely ate.

Got TONS of rest on Monday and Tuesday...

Went swimming yesterday at Tampines with my brother. It feels good to get some exercise in here and there haha, but I'm always too lazy to do the exercising by myself. Called up people who lived around the Tampines area as I wanted to have dinner... Eventually, I called up Iris and she happened to be at Tampines Mall. Met up with her, and had my dinner. I then later went drinking with them as it was their graduation day as well.

Headed to Alps Cafe around Dhoby Ghaut area and they were also planning to watch the Champions League Chelsea vs Manchester United... Well, Alps Cafe is practically the bar where the Chelsea Fan Club members frequent. The inside of the bar was reserved for those only in the Fan Club, but somehow, we managed to secure our seats inside.

Iris, being a huge Manchester United fan (It's all because of Christiano Ronaldo) wanted to cheer for Manchester United. But I didn't feel like getting beat up by a bunch of Chelsea fans so she had to hold in her excitement and happiness every time that they scored a goal. It's kinda interesting to see how crazy some soccer fans are... There were reporters and photographers from Today newspapers, so don't be surprised to see my picture on Today. Haha.

The food at the bar is pretty good, and the pricing is pretty decent as well. Alcohol wasn't all that cheap though... 138++ which equals to 163 for a bottle of Chivas... Anywayz, got back home at 7am, and had a good sleep till well, about 3. The only reason why I eventually got up was cuz Iris called me. Else, I'll probably sleep till dinner time...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Survivor Micronesia is Over!

My weekly Friday night entertainment has officially ended. The season of Survivor Micronesia is now over, and the wait for the next survivor is now on. Of course, the next season won't air until I'm in Tekong, so I'm not really anticipating it as much as I normally would.

Dim Sum Buffet at Tung Lok again tomorrow with my cousin and friends! I seriously need to start exercising... I've been having an urge to swim these past two days but it just never happened. I didn't want to go swimming by myself, and those living close to me are either not free, or not interested.

Sentosa on Sunday! Hopefully it happens cuz I'm dying to play volleyball. It's just not the same when you're playing volleyball with a net and a court as compared to just hitting to ball from person to person. My parents are also coming back on Sunday... The house just feels kinda empty when they're not around...

Anywayz, I gotta sleep now... Gotta wake up at like 9 tomorrow if I wanna get to the restaurant in time...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy But Fun Days

Phew... It's been a pretty busy past couple of days and I've enjoyed them. Well, I didn't enjoy so much today, but still...

Last friday, I met up with Wanying and headed to Downtown East to have our lunch, and to watch the movie Ironman. Pretty good movie, but my mood wasn't all too good when I got out. There was a kid sitting two seats away on my left who kept talking and talking.

"Why no ironman!"
"Why Ironman explode?"
"Haha... Just now the ironman like this... *Makes his best impression of ironman*"

"Why don't you just shut up!" was what I wanted to say to the kid. But I held it in. In between the kid and me, was either his uncle, or father. Thank god he's sitting in between us or else I would've been so tempted to smack the words out of his mouth everytime he opened them. And the parents or the adults that accompanied him didn't really try and ask him to shut up. What is this world turning into?

Right after, I met up with my Mom and headed to Tampines where she was meeting up with one of her colleagues whom I knew after seeing him so many times. We were clueless as to where to eat, so we headed to Swensens. We had to wait for about 45 minutes before we could get a seat. 45 MINUTES! Singapore is WAY too damn crowded. Headed home after dinner and stoned in front of the TV when Survivor Micronesia came on... [Cue Survivor Music]

Woke up at like 8.30am the next day as I had to attend an award ceremony that my uncle was in. He won some kind of Model Worker Award and was so proud of it. Haha. Headed to Tung Lok Restaurant at East Coast right after for Buffet Dim Sum! - It's just so damn good...

Went to Tampines right after as my Mom didn't wanna drive far, and me and my brother started shopping there. I finally managed to buy a Volleyball, and it was only for $17... That itself made my day. Saw the movie What Happens in Vegas later in the day, and there was an irritating guy sitting right next to me that kept talking. Why do I have such bad luck in the theaters?

This may be a sign that's telling me to stop watching movies when they're just released as the chances of meeting irritating people in there are much higher. Headed home with our happily purchased items and I snored my ass away as the night changed to day. Haha.

Woke up the next day, and I headed downstairs with my brother to play some volleyball. It's been so long since I've been in contact with a volleyball. I miss the sport just that damn much... Headed to my niece's 1 year old birthday party at Aloha Loyang and caught up with all of my cousins and we played card games such as bluff, and The Queen Says. The initial plan was for me to stay till early in the morning, but that didn't happen as everyone headed home around 10-ish 11...

Went back down to the Chalet on Monday but I brought my volleyball this time. We spent quite alot of time playing v-ball which was great... BBQ-ed some marshmallows after that, and I was satisfied. Haha.

Went to my medical appointment on Tuesday and stupid things happened. Nothing's wrong with me though, it's just I realized I have a doctor with a brain size of about a pea... And his handwriting is like... Well, everyone knows how bad my chinese is right? I might understand the letter more if it was written in chinese. That's how bad his handwriting is. At one point, it even seemed like he wrote: "Oceans who with Joy". That's how bad it was. I'll scan it up one day, and we can play a guessing game. Haha.

Anywayz, met up with my uncle after that to pass to him our camera as he was heading overseas, and then I met up with Shawn. We headed to this Horse Stable (The name of it is like Gallop Stable) at Pasir Ris park, and we had our dinner there. The Fish n Chips that I had were pretty good though... Walked back after that, and me and Shawn played the guessing game when I opened up my Doctor's Letter. I asked a random stranger to see if he was able to read anything, and he just shook his head over and over.

Woke up late today, and helped my mom rip songs from cds into her mp3 as they're heading for Genting tmr. I've been doing the ripping of songs, and naming of songs since like 4-6, and 8 till 2! That's like.. 8 hours. I've never worked on something for such a long time before. Lol. Well, I meant like after my school days were over, I've never been so hardworking on just one specific task.

So my parents are away until Sunday night.

Mahjong anyone???
Movie marathons at my place anyone???

And I wanna go to Sentosa this weekend to play Volleyball.... Anybody even interested?

P.S.: Yes I know... The hint was way too obvious. Lol.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Colossal Squid

So I haven't blogged in a long time, so here I am. I've not been doing much lately, only meeting up with Shawn every once in a while. I get so lazy when it's time to blog, and I have no clue why. So anyways, Met up with my FYP groupmates last week. Headed to Waraku for dinner and then we went to Paulaner's Bar for a drink. Caught up a little bit and that was about it. Nothing special to talk about. Haha... Oh wait... There was.

At Waraku, I ordered this set where you're supposed to pour the eggs into a hot plate that's sitting right on top of a fire. Well, The plate was tilted at a certain angle, and I didn't even notice it. So when I poured the egg, all the egg white fell right out of the plate onto the tray. Leaving only the egg yolk. And I don't eat egg yolk! I like the egg white! Stupid Gravity... I hate gravity sometimes. Especially when you fall face flat in front of people.

Anyways, I've just read of a news of a Giant Squid that was caught in 2007 and they were thawing the giant squid Live on webcam. The Giant Squid or scientifically known as Colossal Squid is about 10m, 495kg, and if you were to cut them into calamari rings, they would be the size of tractor tyres. However, according to them, it would taste like ammonia... So no huge calamari rings for us... If you don't know how big this is, I drew a cute little picture for you to understand the size of it.

(Wa Lao... I'm damn proud of my drawing of the Giant Squid Okay? It looks exactly like a big Sotong lah!)

Realize that the eyes of the squid is about the size of my head? Well, they said that it's eyes are like the size of dinner plates. And as round as my face is, I don't think it's bigger than a dinner plate. If that's not big enough, they said that it can grow considerably much larger.

This is the reason why I would not EVER want to be stranded in the middle of the ocean. I'd rather be stranded on an island. I can then pretend I'm on survivor. Haha. The song that plays before an episode of Survivor comes on is now currently in my head...

During these free times, I've also been watching Youtube videos and I now I'm in love with a song called "Say It's Possible". It's written by Terra Naomi, but so many others have sang their own version of it. I know that most people don't view the Youtube videos when it's put up on a blog, but just listen to it when you're bored alright? Lol.

This is probably my favorite version of the song. By Jay Brannan...

And this one is a duet... It's really nice as well...

Anyways, I have to get my graduation robe on Friday along with my classmates. And I also have to buy my laptop adapter cuz the wires inside has snapped. I believe Monday I'd FINALLY get to eat the Dim Sum buffet at Tung Lok Restaurant at East Coast that I've craved for so long! Anybody wanna come along??? Lol.

I believe I stumbled upon Gary Cao Ge's blog earlier today, and he mentioned that he's going to have a concert in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Taiwan, and Singapore! Hopefully this information is real & true...

So that's about it for today, take care guys, and I'll try and blog more often...