Friday, August 31, 2007

Night Safari...

So the rain did stop. I met Suraj and Hazel at Chua Chu Kang at 6. I was late for like 10 mins. But what do you expect? Pasir Ris >> Jurong East >> Chua Chu Kang... It was like over an hour. Longer than it takes for me to get to school. We had dinner there and had KFC. It was my first meal of the day even though i woke up at like 9 in the morning cuz my god-bro was supposed to come and take a look at my problematic wireless.

So we eventually entered the Night safari at like 8pm. We went straight for the animal show, but its very predictable. Its the usual stuff, like otters recycling wastes, or "missing" an animal which would turn out to be a giant snake. I've heard some people say that you can't really see the animals at the Night Safari, but that is SO not true. We saw almost all except for like maybe 5 animals. I had a great time. Ya ya, I know... You're probably gonna say that I was a HUGE lamp-post. But hey, at least i was a good one (I think... Lol...). Dim enough so that I wouldn't be too obvious. Anywayz, we took a couple of pictures, and some turned out to be really nice. There's one that gives me the creeps when i look at it though.

Because you can't have flash when taking a picture, i was testing out the camera after changing a few settings so its better for the night mode. While we were walking to the amphitheater for the animal show, I wanted to test the camera to see if there's any flash. So I took a photo (shown below). Only after looking through the pictures after I got home then did I realize that there was a face there. Freaky?

Do you see it? No its not the person on the far left. Thank You Very Much... If you haven't, I've circled it below...

Here's a zoomed in version of the photo:

I'm not sure if that freaks you out, but it does for me. For those that don't know me, those kinda stuff are my worst fear. But lets not talk about it now. Anywayz, There are several other pictures that we took. They're shown below...

Believe it or not, this picture of the Mandai Resovoir was taken around 8-9 pm.

For those that haven't been to the Night Safari, There are certain animals that they allow to roam free like the deers. You'll usually see them when you're on the tram ride. Anyways, We forgot to tell Hazel that the zebra was actually a fake, and not just roaming around the park. She only realized it afterwards. Lol... Jk...

Left the park at like 12 midnight exactly. We used our time well. We caught the last tram right after we finished walking the whole park. It was definitely fun!

Went to play Tennis yesterday after what? 2 months? Both stamina and skill has dropped. Expectedly.

Tried to cook Aglio Olio today. It was alright, but it wasn't spicy enough, and it wasn't salty enough. The frying pan would spit out some of the salt that i threw in, cuz it was wet. I know. Dumb move. But it was pretty successful considering its my first attempt at cooking anything. Besides Maggie Mee, or Cup Noodles, or Frying an Egg.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Message for the Rain & Global Warming

Rain rain, go away,
Come again another day,
Else I can't go to the zoo today,
Rain Rain, go away.

Ok fine, Its not the zoo, its actually night safari. But they're about the same thing. The rain started like 10:30, and it has continuously rained until now. Is it even the monsoon season? I thought those were already over? Or has 365 days already passed on by?

Remember the shops along some road that were practically flooded last year? Its flooded because they decided to have the shops on some low laying land. If you don't want that to happen again, then move out of there. Each year, the rain and storms will get worse. All thanks to global warming.

Do people even remember the messages and the point of Live Earth? Do you even TRY or follow what they say in all those messages that were shown during the commercials for the Live Earth concerts? I do. To a certain extent.

I turned off all the fans that were not in use at school. (You know, the level 3 benches?). I remove SOME of the plugs from the main electricity socket when i'm not using them. (When the switch is on, and your phone charger is plugged in, you're STILL wasting electricity when its not charging your phone). I turn the computer off when i'm not using it (StandBy will still use electricty, hibernate saves more energy).

Ok, so its not much. But at least i'm trying. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to turn on the radio, turn on the TV, and use the computer at the same time. I also need to turn on the lights, turn on the air-conditioning, and turn on the fan and then cover myself up with 4 blankets after that.

But seriously, Save the Earth!!!

Slight Update

Not much went on this past weekend. I stayed home on saturday. On Sunday, I spent like my whole afternoon on YouTube watching some old wrestling matches until I went out for dinner with my family. I know, no life...

Going to the Night Safari tomorrow, and I freaking hope that it doesn't rain...

P.S. -By the way, we should probably talk. This thing that we have between us, is close to non-existent.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Went to town yesterday, Had dinner with Suraj at Gold Coast Seafood Restaurant. Its at Hotel Grand Central, although its not even that Grand. The food was good. The best part is that we only paid like 5 bucks each. Haha. After dinner, we headed for starbucks cuz we still had time to spare before the movie started. While at starbucks, these MASSIVELY rich ladies sit right next to us, with their hands full of bags from Channel and Prada and all.

Yeah, I was jealous - and who wouldn't be? After that, we went to watch "License to Wed" (The one with Robin Williams and Mandy Moore). It was alright. It had its funny moments, but its not one of the BEST movies out there.

Ever heard of the song "Love me or Hate me"? Here's part of the lyrics:

Love me or hate me, that is the question.
If you love me then Thank you!
If you hate me then fuck you!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The word "Sorry"

The word sorry has no meaning when there's no sincerity behind it. Just like the game "Sorry". You know what i'm talking about. The game where you start off with 4 pawns, and you go around and hopefully kick them back to their starting places. And when you do finally kick them back to their starting place, you say "Oops. Sorry...". We all know that you aren't sorry and you're already looking for the next pawn to kick off. - And Boy do I stink at that game.

I think the word "sorry" should never be tossed around as frequently as the word "the". Well it isin't, but you know what I mean. It should be categorized like under the "I Love You" category. or maybe even under the "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" category. Like you don't go around saying "I Love you lah" when you don't mean it. Nor do you go around using "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" unless you're trying to impress someone or act stupid.

So yeah. the same should go with "Sorry". But seriously, I've heard it way too many times recently that it almost means nothing to me. You say it just because you should, Instead of saying it because you mean it.

To sum all that up in codings:
if (Sorry.text != "sincerity"){
Sorry.text = "Nothing";

Damn, I hate what the course IT has done to me. Sorry about my codes. Lol...

Friday, August 17, 2007

Its Over.

Completed - GENBIO Quizzes
Completed - FYP Phase #1
Completed - FYP Phase #2
Completed - GPA Assignment #1
Completed - GPA Assignment #2
Completed - GPA Final Exams

The holidays was the one thing that felt so far away. It's finally here! I don't have to worry about deadlines, and I won't have a nagging feeling when i'm just lazying around to complete a project. It just feels pretty surreal right now. I used to try and sleep for like 9 hours, but i'd still wake up in the morning exhausted. Just because of the mental exhaustion all the projects and quizzes caused me. I kinda like how I ended things though. I think I did well for the last GENBIO quiz, I think I did alright for the GPA Assignment #2, at least better than i'd expect it, and I think I did alright for the GPA Exams. But the notes seriously DID NOT make sense.

Here's a sentence from the lecture slides "Use existing structures as template for the structures to solve." HUH??? English Please... Oh well, its already over.

Thank God...

Anywayz, the song When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne reminds me of Melissa...
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK, I miss you

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Better Now

The situation has boiled over now, and things are much better now, my stress level isin't as high as it was a few days ago, and I only have one obstacle left before I'm able to enjoy my well deserved holidays!!! That obstacle however, is my exam. This exam is freaking hard. I'm studying the notes, and boy do they not make sense... I think the lecturer needs to give better notes!

Yeah, so I had Lobster crackers and Crab bah gua for lunch. Ha... Gotta make myself look more like the rich and famous... Anywayz, about the topic of all the different font sizes don't you just hate it when you're shopping and you see this huge sign that says:

"Free Plasma TV if you spend $10,000"


"Up To 90% OFF!!!"

I think the first sign is alright, but the second one is the worst of them all. You're so excited when you see the 90% off sign that you rush into the store. You see 10%, 15% and 20% tags all around, and you're thinking to yourself "WAIT... Isin't it supposed to be 90% off?". So you walk back out the store, and while trying to act all cool, take a clear look at the sign once more. After close observation, you see small drops of ink on the top left hand corner of the sign. You walk closer to see what those droplets of ink say, but you still can't see it. So you take another step closer, and closer, and closer. At this time, you're so close to the sign that it would seem like you're inspecting it. Then you slowly make out the words.... "Up To". You eventualy put the pieces together, and you think to yourself "Where's the 90% off rack???"

So you run back into the store, and you see a bunch of people crowding around one of the racks in the store. You make your way casually towards the rack because running would be so uncool and squeeze through the whole crowd. You finally get to the rack, and see nothing that interests you, cuz everything looks like they should have been on sale during your parents time. As you're about to turn away, something catches your eye on the rack. You grab and hold on to it as you make your way back out the crowd. You check the price tag and it says $50. So you're thinking, "ONLY 5 DOLLARS FOR THIS?!?!". So you start queuing at the cashiers, and after 10 minutes, its finally your turn. You hand the cashier your dress/skirt/shirt or whatever that may have caught your eye, along with a 5 dollar note. The cashier scans the item and the number 50.00 flashes on the screen.

Now, there's only 2 options from here.

Option #1
You argue with the person saying that you got the item from the 90 percent rack, and therefore it should only be 5 dollars. Soon after, you hear the following words "I'm sorry, someone must have misplaced it". From here, you either use option number 2, or you walk away dissapointed.

Option #2
You pay for it cuz you don't want to be embarrassed

Either way, you've just wasted 30 minutes of your life and possibly $50. Great Marketing Technique...

Editor's Note:
The above story is NOT based on a true story. If there's any similarities from a true life story, it was purely by coincidence. And I feel sorry for you...

Friday, August 10, 2007

My Heart Is....

My Heart is sealed like an air tight beef jerky.
At least till the week's over.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'm Not Going to Care

I'm Not Going to Care...

I'm Not Going to Care...

I'm Not Going to Care...

I'm Not Going to Care...

I'm Not Going to Care...

My Decision

So, I made the decision to not go to Genting because the GPA Assignment 2 is still hanging in the air. The only reason why I still wanted to go after having the argument with my brother was because I thought we could get over it, and at least bond a little bit with the whole family there. Turns out, my brother says that he doesn't wanna go to Genting anymore just a day before the trip. His main reason? Me.

I've tried to understand him, to be there for him when he needed me. I'm not sure if he appreciated it. But by the things that he said every now and then, it seems like he didn't care for it. I think I've reached my limit already, kinda like the straw that broke the camel's back...

My patience has been running low these couple of days. Probably due to the stress of GPA Assignment 2, and the problems between me and my brother. I tried to keep my cool today but I just got too frustrated. I started ripping the Today Newspaper into pieces as a way to vent some of my frustration.

When I was on the train home from school today, I started thinking alot. My thoughts were random but mostly focused on what my brother has said to me since I could remember. That feeling of lonesomeness is the worst feeling in the world. It felt like i was in a dark well with no one around to help pull me out. I hate this feeling, and I can't wait for it to be over.

Things can only get better...... Right?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Decision Time

Do I make the decision in the favour of others, something that I'm really familiar with?

Or do I finally make the decision for myself?

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I Feel Like Shit...

I don't know how its possible for you to make me feel like this. I don't know how I allow you to.

It may be because you are the one person that I trust to have my back. But you're never there.

Instead, you bring me down in ways that you don't even know.

Imagine answering a call and hearing that familiar voice of your friend, only to hear them asking for the other Ong brother. I'm not saying its your fault, but you were involved in one way or another. Yes, this was many many years ago, but I remember every single detail. This definitely instilled trust problems in me.

There's a fine line when a joke turns into criticism, and you cross it almost, if not every single time. All just to entertain others. I know I'm fat. But there's no point in criticizing my weight or anything that's related to it. There's also no point parading around in public saying that I look like the pigs hanging on the banners. I may be laughing, but I'm hurting really bad deep inside. I can't believe you can't see it through my forced smile. Maybe you do realize it, and choose not to care.

I know you're the popular one. You have so many appointments that if you were to stay home on Friday and Saturday nights, you'd die. There's no point rubbing it into my face by saying that I have no friends.

I've reached my limit for the day. I need some rest to try and stitch up the wound before I bleed to death. But I'm sure you're going to reopen the wound soon enough. Besides, that's the only way I'm useful to you right?

P.S. Sorry for the darkness of the blog so far. Its just not a good time right now.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Once Again.

And to think i trusted you again.

How many times will I keep telling myself that you've changed?