Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ocean Sunfish

This may be a little late, but it's better than never right? So here's to wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm definitely looking forward for the New Year cuz that means two things, Holidays & the coming end of the attachment. So I've been sick for this past week with the major illness being flu and cough. But I'm on the road of recovery.

Anyways, I received a totally unexpected Christmas Wish from someone, and it's just surprising since the differences that we had were not yet resolved. But I guess that the 3 Poly years has really made us all grow. Let bygones be bygones I guess. Well, Provided he was sincere and not being sarcastic.

It just hit me recently, 3 years. Almost 3 years is over in just a snap of the fingers. And It's been 3 and a half years since I came back from the US. I don't want to get older! Well, maybe only once I hit 21.

So I had a great Christmas eve. I ended up not going to the two original plans (I cancelled one for another, but then that one got cancelled), so I had to plan something at the last possible minute. Because it was so last minute, everyone else already had plans, and only Suraj and Daniel were gracious enough to accompany me Ha. I wasn't expecting much from this as the both of them weren't planning to stay till past 12. So I was totally prepared for one of the worst Christmas ever. But it turned out great!

We headed to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner and stayed there till about 1:30. Well, Me and Suraj did. Daniel left around 11 as he had other plans. The highlight of the day was Kumar & Co. It was just absolutely hilarious. There was also this band called Enigma that was performing, and the lady in the band was good. Anywayz, I was calling Chee Chuan and Shwa Juan up to see if they wanted to join us since they were around the area, but they just ditched us in the end Ha.

Me and Suraj were planning to take the last train home so we gulped down the 2nd glass of alcohol a tad bit too fast. We missed the train, so both me and Suraj ended up taking the Night Rider. I passed out on the Night Rider somewhere in between the hour plus ride. No, not from the alcohol but because I was SO tired as I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. Thank god I woke up in time to alight at my stop.

While searching for the picture of the Ugly pig shown in the previous post, I stumbled upon this picture. Real or Fake? You decide:

I'm actually hoping that this picture is fake. Can you imagine stumbling upon this Pigzilla when you're in Palau Tekong? It then got me thinking, What other animals can grow to MUCH bigger sizes as compared to what we know? For example, did you know that catfishes can grow to sizes like those shown below?

Ugh Right. Those don't really look like cat fishes to me. Maybe an Elephant fish describes it better. Cats are supposed to be small and cute.

There's also this other fish that I stumbled upon. It's average weight is 1000Kg, 1.8 meters long, and like 2.4 meters tall. It's name is the Sunfish.

No wonder there are people out there that are afraid of the water. With Sunfishes and Catfishes that big, who wouldn't be intimidated?

Saturday, December 22, 2007


So I did leave work an hour early on Tuesday, and I felt a little bit better on Wednesday. But thanks to my supervisor for staying at the TNT's Hub for too damn long, my sickness got worse. On Thursday, I had the Ultimate sickness. It's one of those Rojak sickness where you get everything at once. Flu, Cough, Fever, you name it, I went through it. I didn't even enjoy the Holiday lah! Although there's not much that I would normally do on Haji...

Went to work on Friday as I was feeling much better and also because I had to get screen shots for my work which is due Monday. Yes, that means that I will have to work throughout the weekends. Hell, I might even have to work on Christmas itself. What does Public Holiday mean to the managers? A day to work at home? Don't they EVER think about not working?

I was just handed a bunch of work to do. And I just hope that I can complete every one of them quickly so that I can get out of that company ASAP. You guys have no clue how much hatred I have for this attachment. I'm totally surprised that I've managed to stay in this company up till now. Remember the weekends where I had to work? How could you not? It was only a week ago. Anyways, I was given a choice: Do I want OT pay? Or 2 off days?

Being the person that hates the attachment as much as I do, which one do you think I chose? Off days of course! I plan to take them in January

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26

24th - Christmas Eve (Half Day)
25th - Christmas
31st - New Year's Even (Half Day)
1st - New Year's Day
7th - My 1st Off day
14th - My 2nd Off day
24th - The Last Attachment Day!

How does that schedule seem? 19 more working days left to go! 14 Non-working days left. This sounds like a pretty good damn deal! lol. Let's just forget the fact that there's a bunch of other work that has their deadline somewhere in between now and 24th Jan.

I should be doing my work right now, but I'm just too damn lazy.

Christmas is rolling around in a few days time. Anyone that doesn't have plans? I canceled on one of the plans that I had with my friend for a plan with my uncle. But then my Uncle canceled his plans, and I don't want to go back to the original plan because the other plan was canceled. Confused? Don't be. Simply said: "I have no plans for Christmas Eve" & New Year's Eve as well.

My Mom for some odd reason has to attend a wedding on the 24th of December & My dad's working on 24th & 25th. It's just plain stupid.

Anybody wanna get me some Christmas presents? The DVD Collection of Friends from Season 1 to 10 would be nice. HAHA. I just love the Friends series WAY too much.

Anyways, I was talking to my brother earlier today and he showed me pictures of some pigs that were kept as pets. God they're just so cute. lol. Add them to my X'mas Wishlist please!

Way too adorable... I should probably stop eating pork... But how can a Glutton like me resist things that are as delicious looking as this...

So I thought about it. And maybe after all, it's alright to eat pigs. Because we get rid of pigs that look like this...

Um... On 2nd thought, Maybe I won't eat pork anymore.

And don't get me a pig for Christmas.
I'm afraid it'll grow up into that horrendous looking thing.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Leaving Early

I'm leaving work an hour early today because i'm sick. - Hey, my boss said that I could do it...

But now i'm sooo tempted to take a cab back home. I've been taking cabs these past 4 days... The convenience of getting home that quick is just too tempting...


You know how I’d enjoy the weekends and dread the Monday that follows right after? Well, it doesn’t apply to me this time and it’s obvious because I was working on Saturday and Sunday. My boss’s boss, who was also the boss for that project itself, was not around as long as me. He would leave at around 1-2, while I still continue to slog away. My boss didn’t even show up on Sunday lah!

But up till now, I haven’t heard a confirmation as to how I will be compensated for working on the weekends. When there’s work to do, they’d be the first to inform you. But when it comes down to compensating the worker, then they’ll take their own sweet time. I just can’t stand this… Oh well, that’s just my rant about the weekends.

Anyone saw Asian Idol? It had past winners of Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and Singapore (represented by Hady Mirza). And the shock of the day was that Hady Mirza won Asian Idol.


I went to Tampines North CC yesterday to play badminton with my colleagues. They arrived there at 8, but I didn’t show up until 8:45. I was waiting for the Bus 15 since 8:25 and the bus still didn’t come. I got so pissed off that I chose to take a cab. SMART cab though, so no cab fare increase lol (It was accidental. I didn’t wait until a non-comfort cab showed up). Played till 10 and boy was I tired. And my shoe’s soles were coming off already. Time to get new shoes now…

So due to badminton, my arms, back and legs are sore as hell. And I was a little under the weather when I played it yesterday as well. So today, the small little flu escalated into a full blown flu, with a splitting headache. And I HATE headaches!.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Taxi Fares Rise AGAIN!

It’s confirmed. I’ll have to work from 8:30am to 2:30pm on both Saturday and Sunday. There goes my beloved hours of sleep. The good thing about this though, is that the cab fare to and fro is covered. They’re damn lucky that they are covering our cab fares BEFORE the price hike. For those that don’t know, the cab fares are being adjusted on Monday (Dec 17 2007).

Here are the “revised” pricings which will take effect on Monday.
Say that I took a cab from the Heeren in town back to my place (Pasir Ris) at about 7pm. It would cost me approximately $21.20 with the current rate.

With the newly “revised” pricing, it would cost me: $28.90. This is a whopping $7.70 more, which is a 36% increase. I need to work at my attachment place for like 3-4 hours to earn this amount! Working the whole day can’t even earn me enough money for the whole cab ride!

Let’s see:

Waiting for the cab will take about 10 minutes, and the cab ride will take about 20 minutes. The costs for the cab would be $28.90.

Bus & MRT
The bus will take about 15 minutes to Pasir Ris MRT Station, and about 40 minutes to Orchard/Somerset. Bus costs $0.65 & the MRT costs $1.50. This gives a total of $2.15

The time needed taking the Bus/MRT is twice as long. BUT, the cab is 1345% more expensive. You do the math.I’m probably turning into some auntie that tries and scrimp and save every cent possible. But saving is a virtue right? So I dont' care. :)

Speaking about not caring, I can’t care to be jealous at all. Besides, why would I be? It’s not like I don’t have female friends. But anyways, I’m not here to argue because I don’t want something like this to blow out of proportion. I don’t want to talk much about this, as I want you to cool yourself down and let some of that anger subside. And when it does, hopefully we can talk about this and maybe something positive can come out of it. But not matter how much I want to NOT talk about this, there are some things that I feel I need to address:

1) “And please don't assume you know me well” - I never once assumed to know you well. You never did let me in, how was I supposed to know you?

2) “And I don't see the need to explain whatever I do” – I didn’t expect you to explain anything that you did. I don’t know where you got that impression from. You probably misunderstood the post.

3) FYI, the 2nd paragraph was meant from someone else. Someone that you don’t know.

4) There are some things that I want to apologize for. I apologize that I said the “Horny Maybe?” statement. I knew I probably crossed the line and there was no need for that. I also apologize that you had to find out about this through a blog post instead of talking about it face to face.

Since I’ve said my piece, let’s just end this here. Hopefully you’ll be willing to talk about this in a few days time, and maybe something positive will come from this.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bye Bye Weekends. Hello Uncomfortable TNT Chair.

Time really does fly by during the weekends, and here I am, back at work with another 5 days to go before the weekends once again. Thank god I only have to endure this for another 7 weeks. I can smell the end coming…

I headed for Waraku for dinner on Friday night with the company of Chee Chuan, Daniel, and Shwa Juan. Time flew by during this dinner just as well. Started eating probably at 8, and left at 11.

1 hour to look at the menu and decide what we want since there’s only 1 menu…

1 hour to eat and go “Ooh” & “Ah” at our food.

1 final hour to chat and laugh our asses off, while consuming their water at the same time.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating a little.

I headed home after dinner as there was nothing else that we could do. I took the train to Raffles Place so that it wouldn’t be as packed, and when I boarded the train, it was practically empty. I happily sat down on the seat as I think about sms-ing Shwa Juan & Chee Chuan to tell them that I have a seat from Raffles Place to Pasir Ris. As soon as I grab out my phone, I think to myself… “Wait... something’s not right. Why would there be so many seats?” I take off the ear piece, and I hear: “Next stop, City Hall Interchange”. I breathe a sigh of relief. But then thought to myself once again, But I could be on the train back up to Orchard. So I wait, and then I hear: “Next Stop, Dhoby Gaught Intechange”.


I was too embarrassed to sms Shwa Juan and Chee Chuan after the incident. Lol.

Went to the airport on Saturday to send the OITP students off… Well, more specifically, Candy, CJ, Yong Xian & WJ. I then headed to Terminal 3 to walk around with Daniel and some others. Nothing really that impressive there, and it just seems like all that money was wasted on useless things. How much was spent on this Terminal 3? Right… $1,750,000,000 ($1.75 Billion). All on things like a 300 meter vertical garden. Well, this “Vertical Garden” is actually vines hanging down the side of a wall, stretched across 300 meters. “Interesting” right?

Another feature in this terminal 3 is the butterfly garden. Yes, they’re going to have a butterfly garden in the Terminal 3. Can someone just answer one simple question of mine? WHY? Why is there going to be a butterfly garden in Terminal 3? You might as well throw in a crappy theme park whenever they feel like building a Terminal 4. Do you also want to have a naming competition for the Terminal 4 while you’re at it? Let’s give $2000 to the person that can come up with: “Terminal 4”. How creative…

I need to stop bottling up my feelings especially when it’s problems that I have with some people. So here’s a go at it… Maybe one day, I’ll stop this bad habit of mine and tell these people about it in their faces.

You claim to only be yourself and open up more when you’re around close friends. But from what I see, you're only "yourself" when someone from the opposite sex is present. Horny maybe?

I gave you the benefit of the doubt… I told myself that it was something important that you had to attend to. Guess I should’ve given my benefit of the doubt to NKF instead; at least there would’ve been a chance that I would not be disappointed.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Completed my Intranet and I gave my boss a printed copy of it. Seems like he's not happy about it (based on my colleage, although he originally said that he was) and wants alot of changes to be made.

He wants me to meet him later in 7 minutes.
Seems like i'm in some deep shit.
And I'm scared as hell.
Pray for me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bad & Good Karma

Got out of bed a little earlier than normal today, but I was got out of the house a little bit later today. Maybe my arms and legs grew longer when I was asleep yesterday night. As I was walking to the bus stop, I saw my bus leaving. So I walked to the other bus stop where there would be another 5 busses that I could take. Got to the MRT station, and the train took its own sweet time.

Got out at Tanah Merah, and I saw my bus leaving. DAMN IT! Blame it on the slow moving train… So I had to wait for the public bus. It arrived, and while I was on the bus, it started raining. There’s no shelter from the bus stop to my company lah! The rain got lighter, and then I started getting happy. But then it got heavier as soon as I alighted the bus. And of all days, I didn’t bring the umbrella to work today.

I was planning to run through the rain but it was too heavy. As I was about to call a colleague of mine to hopefully bring down an umbrella, this guy taps on my shoulder and asks if I wanted to share his umbrella. SO NICE LAH! He’s from my company, and I’ve seen him TONS of times. Just that we don’t’ talk. I barely talk to anyone besides the people in my department, and even then, I have nothing much to say to them.

So I guess the rain is the bad karma that came back around. Luckily I’ve done enough good things on this earth for my good karma to come at the same time in the form of the umbrella man.

I just wanted to say this to show you guys that I do good things also, and that I have good karma as well. :)


My deadline for the intranet was originally on Friday. On Tuesday, I was supposed to meet up with my boss to “discuss” (When I say discuss I mean my boss telling me what to do) about ways to improve on the intranet. He didn’t show up on Tuesday until 5pm, and then told me that the deadline is changed to today. The deadline went from Friday to Wednesday just like that.

Deadlines change, and we all know that. But the only deadline changing experiences I’ve had was that the deadline was pushed further back, and not forward. So I tried to log into the intranet to try and complete it, but the server is down.

Guess I have more bad karma than good ones huh?


I was reading people’s blogs just like 10 minutes ago, and there were barely any updates. C’mon guys, update more often! I can’t do anything else at work besides reading people’s blogs and reading the news. I can’t go on sooo many websites, unlike some people. I can’t even watch the Yahoo! News if it’s a video…

I want to sleep SOOO badly.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Kelvin's Morning Dumb Moments

I was looking through the log book and I turned to the blue page wondering the kind of information that I had to fill in. That form is meant to be filled at the end of the attachment, and it asks for information such as what you learnt, if the Internship program was useful, yada yada yada… I got so amped up! I can’t wait until the day that I sit down at home and fill that form up. Gosh… I can feel the end slowly but surely creeping towards me. Anybody saw the movie Click? Can I just fast forward until the end of the internship?

Anybody knows about “Kelvin’s Morning Dumb Moments”? Yes, I have my really dumb moments in the mornings. Don’t blame me; my brain just hasn’t warmed up yet. Even machines like cars and computers need to warm up. Why can’t humans have some warming up time? I meant for the brain of course. If you’ve only seen me in school, then you haven’t seen any of my dumb moments. I already had 45 minutes on the train for my brain to warm up. Hell, I think my brain is about to overheat after 45 minutes.

I can’t remember most of my dumb moments as the brain was not warm enough, therefore nothing was sent to the brain’s memory card. But I do remember one conversation that I had on the train with a friend that I had not met in about 5 years?

So we talk about school, She’s from Nanyang Poly (Ok, maybe some info was sent to the memory card). So we were talking about how far away school was from where we lived. And one part of the conversation was like this:

Brain-dead me: Yeah, but Nanyang is far right?

Smart-ass her: No lah, It’s not that far. It takes about the same time if I were to go to Singapore Poly lah.

Brain-dead me: Really?

Smart-ass her: But anyways lah, Singapore is a small place.

Brain-dead me: Yeah I think so too. Singapore Poly is nearer… *Crickets Chirping*

Smart-ass her: Looks at me with the “HUH?” look.

Brain-dead me: Looks at her with the “Yes, can I help you?” look.

Can’t help it lah. I worked at Customer Service before. And I’m proud & embarrassed at the same time to say that this is only a minor case. Other cases include stuff such as Baby Eng Cai with Sambal (Baby Kang Kong with Sambal). Yes I know there’s no such vegetable. The people that I was with definitely let me know how dumb I was then. So, today I had another dumb moment. A lady was in the elevator with me and we had a very small conversation.

Lady: Hi, I’m sorry… But you are?

Brain-dead me: …

Lady: You’re from the Operations department is it?

Brain-dead me: Yeah, I’m from the Ops department.

Lady: *Looks at me and has the “Why you never answer my first question” look*

Lady: And your name is?

Brain-dead me: Oh, Kelvin.

Hell. I THINK I said Kelvin. I could have said Brad Pitt or Osama Bin Laden for all I remember.

Anyways, this weekend was good. I didn’t do anything at all, so I managed to get enough sleep. This is something that I have NOT been doing in the past month. Saw the first 20 minutes of Resident Evil (The first one) and I’m hooked. I want to know what happens next. I only watched until that laser beam cuts the guy into hundreds of pieces. I wonder how the story will go from there. I had a dream yesterday night. And it was about me and an elevator once again. I think it was probably caused by the elevator scene in Resident Evil.

Found out a little about some family drama once again. I seriously feel that my life is a little bit like a drama series. Cut out the boring moments like work and stuff like that, edit it so that it flows, and then show it on channel 8. Instead of Tong Xing Yuan, it’ll be like Tong Xing Quan or something like that.

This family drama revolves around Guy A who’s not married, used to have a girlfriend who got married to Guy B 40 years ago, but the lady (who just recently passed away) mentioned that her daughter was Guy A’s child. No DNA was done to confirm this, and we don’t know if the daughter knows about this. Straight out from the TV right?

I’m now waiting for the “Guy get’s filthy rich” storyline to happen to me. It’s just a matter of time that my parents reveal to me that they own the Caribbean Islands or Hawaii or something. Oh yeah. I’m also missing the “Long Lost Sibling” storyline. Oprah & Bill Gates, please get a DNA test…

Since Yue said that my Blog seems like a composition, and that there's no pictures, I'll post a picture here then. My Dog Vicky...

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Mixed Emotions

I'm feeling tons of mixed emotions right now, and I have no clue how or where these emotions are coming from.

Went to watch The Kingdom yesterday with Iris, Guo Liang, Carol and Xi Ling. The Kingdom is about terrorism. The plot revolves around 4 Americans that are in the Special Services that flew over to Saudi Arabia to investigate a suicide bombing by men dressed in the Saudi Arabian police uniform. They then become the targets of these terrorist while the Americans try and find the Leader.

I walked away from that theater realizing something. No matter how much I dislike the way of life in Singapore is, where everything is so uptight and time orientated, I am grateful. I'm grateful for the sense of security that I have living here. I'm not leaving the house everyday hoping that there's no psycho person about to blow himself up while taking other innocent lives along with them. The worst thing of all is that everything portrayed in the movie is probably happening in real life.

My brain is about dead right now as I can't think of anything to say. But no matter how dead my brain may be, I will remember that we ONLY have 8 weeks left of attachment. That is just 40 more days of work. Then we'll have to subtract Hari Raya Haji, Christmas, and New Year. I can finally start to see the end.

Since my brain is dead, and I have a ton of mixed emotions now, I'll just leave this post as it is.

More updates soon. ..