Friday, September 28, 2007

Random Things.

Went to school on Wednesday for the Pre-Internship seminar. It only ended at 5 even though it started at 3:15. Only 45 mins of the talk was useful. Waste an hour of my time! I eventually met my Liaison Officer and I find out that my allowance is $500 a month. But I still have to buy clothes cuz I HAVE to wear formal shirts to work everyday... Its from 9-6 and begins on Monday. But we were told to expect to work longer than the working hours stated... Gosh, I still have to write a Introduction letter for the company.

Intro for what? I thought Introduction letters are meant to sell ourselves to the company? I've already sold them the next 17 weeks of my life for $500 a month. I sure am cheap. Lol.

Shwa Juan gets a hefty $850 a month. Hopefully they don't overwork you!

After the seminar, I went out with Chee Chuan and Suraj to New York New York for dinner. The first time there, the food was bland. This time, the food was pretty good. The pasta was great, but the chicken that came on top of the pasta seemed to have been killed in an unusual way.

Drowned in Oil.


Went to the movies yesterday and we watched "Nanny Diaries". The first half an hour was BORING. A couple even left. Then it started to get better, then when it was at its climax, this happened....


Yeah, nothing happened. Because there was a blackout caused by some technical difficulties. Sat around in the cinema for like 15 minutes then we realized that they weren't able to resume the movie. So we were given this complimentary blue pass that we can use to watch any movie any time any where.

My friend didn't feel "SHIOK" since she didn't get to finish a movie, and asked if I wanted to watch another movie. We walked straight over to Century Square and saw "Balls of Fury". Back to back movies... Call me crazy! Ok, maybe not.


Went to school today at 10:30am. My friend Lee Yung Sheng asked me to go down to school to play tennis with him since the Hey! Gorgeous crew were filming in school today and he was one of the contestants. Ben Yeo and Fiona Xie (who was wearing like 5 inch heels) then played a little bit of tennis against Yung Sheng. If you see that episode, you might see me standing at the corner of the tennis court not wanting to be involved.

Finished filming him at like 11, then just as I had predicted, he just left me there. Thank god I expected it and asked Suraj to accompany me. Daniel also arrived shortly later to accompany me... Haha.

Sat around at FC 3 until like 2:45, then headed to the foyer outside of fc 5 to watch the top 3 guys and girls. Here's a picture that I took:

Left after they filmed to meet Suraj at his clubhouse as he was waiting for something to arrive. When it arrived, he left me in the room with like 10 people that I did not know for like 15 minutes lah! I looked like some idiot... They were also from a different club, and they were talking about some club activity. Also cannot join in the conversation right?

Told you guys that I am shy when I don't know the person/people... Still don't believe...

Didn't leave school until like 5:30pm.

Alright. I gotta work on my Introduction letter now before it's too late.

P.S. Ugh! I did it again... - Don't think dirty.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Survivor: China

For those who don't know, I am a HUGE fan of reality shows such as Amazing race, America's Next Top Model, and tons of others. So how can I not love the mother of all reality shows - Survivor: China. Which is already the 15th season of survivor. On the 13th season of survivor, there were 20 people, and on the 14th, there were 19 (Because someone quit at the very last minute). Why is there only 16 people this season?

Not enough budget for air tickets to China ah?

Here's the 16 castaways divided into 2 groups. Fei Long (Top half of the picture), and Zhan Hu (Bottom half of the picture). (It's so weird listening to these people pronouncing their tribe names)

Fei Long - Aaron, Amanda, Courtney, Denise, James, Jean-Robert, Leslie, Todd
Zhan Hu - Ashley, Chicken, Eric, Dave, Frosti, Jaime, Peih-Gee, Sherea

So this season, a WWE Diva -Ashley, is one of the 16 castaways on Survivor: China. It'll be interesting to see how things work out for her. Even though she practically screws up (botches) every move when she's wrestling - earning her the nickname of botchley, she has been trained to tolerate the bumps and bruises at least to a certain extent. So she's my current favorite.

During the challenge, both teams were practically neck to neck but when it switched to the mental game, Zhanhu seemed like they were just standing there watching the Fei Long fly to victory.

Just based on the first episode, I can't stand 2 people already. Courtney and Chicken. (I have a feeling I won't like Dave, and Jean-Robert too, but I'll decided after the next episode)

What Courtney did to annoy me...
- Before the game started, they went through a ceremony where they had to bow several times. Throughout the whole thing, Courtney was rolling her eyes as if she was too good for it. She even stated: "I’m not trying to be a monk here. I’m tired; I want to go sit back with a lemonade, I don’t wanna be like bowing 37 times. We bowed for like days, I swear to God."

If you think that bowing 37 times makes you tired, then you are in for one hell of a ride then. The game has not even started and you think bowing 37 times makes you tired even when you were well nourished? You think survivor is a 39 day spa treatment is it?

She also stated: "I seemed to be marooned in a land of flight attendants and Sunday school teachers. This is like my own private hell."

Hell got that nice meh?

What Chicken did to annoy me...
- It takes a darn lot of effort to understand whatever that comes out of his mouth because of his accent. But thats alright, I won't dislike you just because of that. I'm not that shallow. HAHAHA. Anyways, this guy claims to "live in the woods" and therefore has alot of experience in building a shelter. He voiced his opinions at the early stages of the game, but I guess was ignored because the rest were busy interacting with one another, or maybe the rest also couldn't understand him and therefore pretended to not hear him.

He then stated "I got a lot of experience over these characters. I was just giving my opinion and nobody wanted it so you know, I’m done suggesting." Later when people were asking him of opinions of how to build a shelter, he kept saying It's up to you, and never voiced any opinions. How helpful is "Up to you"? Live up to your nickname! A Chicken's dock-a-doodle-doo may be more helpful as it might mean that the sun is rising soon!

If you're not going to help, you're not helping the tribe. Therefore, your services are no longer needed. When he was voted off the tribe he yelled "DAMN" really loudly that it shocked like the 2 women in front of him. It was hilarious! Chill chicken! Go lay an egg or something...

Good riddance...


I just watched an episode of Hey! Gorgeous and those people look totally different in person and in their pictures that were submitted online. Anywayz, it seems like they will be going down to Singapore Poly this friday on the 28th of September...

Gotta go down to school on Wednesday at 3:15 pm for some pre-internship briefing at MLT 12. The train of reality is about to hit me real soon. Hopefully I won't crumble to pieces.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hoping for the best, Expecting the worst.

When everything seems to be going well, Life always finds a way to set that back. Just like a couple of days ago. But lets not talk about that.

I found out where i'm attached to for my ITP. I've been attached to this company called TNT Express Pte Ltd. It has a staff strength of like 400 people (I don't know if this is good or bad...) and it stated that I will be working on "TNT-based web page, Internet, and Web Page Design" based on the "Additional Info on the work you do" posted at school. (Thanks Shwa Juan!)

So with this, it comes with good and bad news... So lets just start off with the good...

The good news is that its pretty close to my house. No more traveling to dover back and forth 5 times a week. Although I don't exactly know where this company is, or how i'd get there, I'm pretty sure it'll be faster than me heading to dover.

The bad news is that... I'M WORKING THERE BY MYSELF! No one else is attached to this company at all! I will be going there and working by myself for like the next 4 months... Those who know me knows that I HATE having lunch by myself. Hopefully this won't be the case for like 4 months. I don't wanna be the loser that has lunch by himself everyday.

Can you imagine me eating the lunch that I brought from home sitting in the corner and eating by myself? Gosh... Hopefully it'll be nothing like that. It feels like i'm going to high school all over again or smth. Haha.

There's nothing else right now that I can do besides hoping for the best, and expecting the worst.

Ok fine, maybe there are certain things to do like learn HTML again (Although my lecturer didn't really teach me HTML the first time round). But it's the HOLIDAYS leh!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Low Again

Remember when I was at my ultimate low a month ago? I managed to climb out of it with a little help from Melissa of course. But how fast does it take to fall back down into that dark empty hole? It took me practically 2 minutes to fall back in.

There are things that I wish I never knew. The saying of "The Less You Know, The Better" is SO true in my circumstance. The worst of it all is that I can't even talk about it. I have to climb out of this hole all by myself. I just need to know that someone's there when i'm out of the hole. I need to know that people would be there for me.

I tried to sleep yesterday, but laid in bed with my eyes WIDE open for about 40 minutes. Throughout the last 10 minutes, I realised that I was trembling also. But I don't know why.

I wish there were certain things that I could permanently erase off my mind.

I wish I could choose what I want to remember.

I wish all that was just a dream.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Red Hot Forearms... With tons of pictures...

So I went to Sentosa today. I managed to wake up at 8 in the morning even though I slept at like 3:30am the day before. I woke up that early because we were supposed to meet at 10 at Harbourfront at 10am. I arrived at 10:03am, and I was the earliest... Went to the hawker center for breakfast and took the Monorail from Vivo to Sentosa. Chong Jun (CJ) had bad luck with the Monorail stations. The card(s) that he would scan would always screw up. The rest of us had no problems whatsoever. When we arrived at the beach, the sun was beaming... Because the sun was so glaring, Candy decided to get a pair of shades... She found a perfectly matching pair of shades at a store nearby, and decided to buy it....

Just Kidding... She didn't buy it. Anywayz, Yong Sheng (YS) didn't arrive until 1 and here's a picture of the 6 of us (From left to right - Yong Sheng, Candy, Daniel, Chong Jun, Me, Kevin) waiting for the tram.

They decided to play Frisbee by the beach, and its a bad idea if you don't want to get wet. Unless you're experts of course. So The Frisbee flew into the water, and I was the lucky one that went to retrieve it. So I was wet. Since I was wet, it wasn't fair that the others remained dry. So we played a game where the loser will have to take 2 steps towards the water. As usual, Yong Sheng tries his best to win. Here's a picture of him trying to fight the inevitable.

Yong Sheng always tries to win, but he always loses. He claims that he's good in Daytona, but lost by a considerable amount when we played. (But he also has his "tyco" times). Haha. Daniel wins and manages to stay dry. For an extra 10 minutes. So finally the 5 of us is wet, so we decided to take a picture in the water...

Seems like Daniel caught a cold. Learn from me, wear a shirt... Haha. Eh, the picture is actually a very nice picture you know... Why did you have to ruin it??? lol...

While trying to set the timer on the camera, a lady walked up to us and asked if we would like her to take a picture for us. We didn't even ask... So nice lah!

We asked her a couple of questions and we found out that she's from San Francisco, California, USA. I asked her why she would be at Sentosa when there's like beautiful beaches in California. like how can Sentosa be better than say... Venice Beach in the L.A.??? She said the beaches there are dirty... And i'm thinking to myself: "If Venice beach is dirty, then Sentosa has to be considered toxic." So after 3-4 hours of the water, sand and sun, we decided to head to someplace cooler. Skiing would be a good idea...

Yes, those seats will bring you up to the mountain so that you can ski in the snow at the top. Ok fine, it's actually for a Luge ride. or as Candy calls it: "zoom zoom".

Here's a picture of our Luge ride tickets. Only 5 of us went because the other was too scared. Jk... lol.

It was pretty fun because I was going down the hill at a pretty fast pace. It pays to be fat! Guess who got last place? Yong Sheng. Haha. His losing streak continues once more. We decided to head to the Underwater World after the Luge ride...

Why trouble yourself in trying to find a sea turtle when you're snorkling? You can see many of them at the Underwater World. The best part of it all is that you don't even have to pay a cent for it as it's situated outside of the Underwater World.

Here's a picture of us outside of the Underwater World. Wait... Something seems to be missing...
Oh... Me.

When we were inside, we got a little hungry. We decided to go for a buffet situated inside the Underwater World. What did the buffet have? Crabs...

Jk. That was actually the stairs down to the crabs section. I'm still trying to picture how good they would taste if they had black pepper or chille sauce all over them...

So we took the travelator and this shark is scary looking. Look at those teeth! I think that's like the worst thing that can happen to any snorkler or diver.

Then again... Maybe not.

Here's a couple more of pictures that we took in the Underwater World. $20 leh, must take as much pictures as possible! Haha.

I think Daniel just saw his reflection... Don't pay any attention to him. This is normal behavior by Daniel. Lol. (Candy - Your "Sexy Lips" is in the picture on the left...)

When they're not admiring their own faces, they try disfigure people by kicking them as hard as possible.

Featured: Singapore Next Top Model: Candy. A Finalist of the Singapore version of America's Next Top Model, Candy hopes to win the hearts of all fans by showing that she cares about marine life. Please call 1900-IWantCandy to keep her in the competition. Lol.

Here's Candy kissing "Sexy Lips" #2. Look how in love they are...

Here's the view of that fish from Candy's angle. No wonder they say love is blind.

There's no need to be afraid of a shark when you have muscles...

Before the picture was taken, Candy said: "Let's make weird faces..." It seems like I was the only one that got the message.

Left Sentosa at like 7-8 and went to Vivo for dinner. We were all so tired and came back home afterwards. What a fun day it was, although it started a little bit slow. Haha. I'm going to sleep now. I'm TIRED!

P.S: The captions are all a joke... Don't get angry alright guys? If you don't want the picture up here, then... Too bad. Haha... jk. Tell me if you want me to remove the pics or change the captions to make it more non-offending...

Sunday, September 16, 2007


I went to JB earlier today. Woke up at like 9 which isin't too bad on a normal basis. But its damn tiring to do so when you slept at 4 ok? Anywayz, went to one of the newer malls that has a Justco... Then went to Giant to do grocery shopping. We spent like 300rm lah! My mom's friend - a couple, spent like 400rm... More than the 3 of us. Anywayz, the highlight of the day was definitely the dinner. Had Pepper Crabs, Cereal Prawns, String-ray and some other stuff for dinner. I also had my favorite drink from the fruit drink stall. It was like Apple mixed with a little pear with "suan mei" - think its sour plum in english? Anywayz, while we were at Giant, there's this pet store there that sells animals that some would consider as exotic. They sell scorpions, ducklings, some endangered kind of turtle, and a monkey. Is that even legal? If it is legal, they should change the laws. That monkey looked so terrified and there was a lady with children even shaking the monkey for fun. GROW UP!!! Here's some pictures from that shop.

The monkey tried sleeping in the cage but people kept trying to wake it up. Imagine if people were in that position...

I just watched Planet of the Apes yesterday. Humans were kept as pets by the apes, used as slaves, and kept in cages. Just like how many inhumane people keep monkeys. I'm surprised they didn't show apes sucking the brains out of humans yesterday. The thought of humans eating the monkey's brain just makes me cringe. I mean C'mon, the monkey is still alive while people are eating it...

Anywayz, if you ever see animals such as monkeys or any more animals that should not be kept as pets, don't buy them... "When the buying stops, the killing will too." Ok, I guess in this situation, it'll be: "When the buying stops, the capturing will too."

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So, Pasir Ris felt the tremors of the earthquake that happened in Indonesia. This is the first time that I've felt any tremors of all the earthquakes that has happened. One was felt at like 7:15pm yesterday. Went out, told my mom about it, and she said that she thought it was just because she was giddy... Another one was around 8 this morning. Yes, I was awake for it. Don't ask why because I don't even have an answer to that.


So Sept 11 just passed. It's weird to think that the whole incident happened 6 years ago. I'm thinking and like there's alot of life changing events. There's Sept 11, the Tsunami in 2004, and Hurricane Katrina. Anywayz, some people say that if we were to change our lifestyle because of Sept 11, then it would mean that the terrorists win. I think that this may not be true because people may appreciate what they have more than they originally did.


Results were just released, I got a B, B, and guess what? Another B. lol. My grades have been falling ever since the first semester. Each semester, my semester GPA would be lower then my Cumulative GPA. Which would being my Cumulative GPA down. This is the first time since the last 3 semesters that i manged to pull my GPA up a little bit. So I'm happy for that. I saw something weird in the MRT the other day, but I'm gonna save that for another post.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The best cab ride. Ever.

So on friday, I went over to two of my brother's friends birthday party. Got there at 6 at started helping out with whatever I could. I felt a little out of place though, because I only knew like a handful of the people that were there. When it was time to make drinks, it was so embarrassing. because.... Well, It's just embarrassing. Haha. No elaboration there.

After cutting the cake, people started to leave, and the music started to get louder. Three of the girls started doing a small little fashion show outside by the pool which was really cool. People started watching from all over though. Kay-Po Singaporeans were looking through their windows to see what we were all doing from their houses.

We left the place at like 11 something cuz the security started to chase us out as they only booked the clubhouse till 11. We then headed to Fisherman's Village at Pasir Ris Park where we wanted to eat. When we got there, the chinese food was closed and we were only left with like western food and some other stuff like stingray. (The stingray is really good by the way...)

We then left at like 3 in the morning, and we decided to take a cab home instead of walking back. When we got in the cab, Kelson's friend - Adam asked the cab driver to drive faster. the cab driver asked: "Drive faster ah?" and he said yes. He sped through a U-turn and the tires were screeching. I immediately grabbed for my seatbelt and tried to buckle myself in. After doing so, I just held on to it for dear life. He sped past the neighbourhood and said "We're going straight for the hump ah..."

Soon, he hit the gas as the cab went right into the hump. The back of the cab flew up a little bit. Adam then asked: "Uncle do you race?" He replied yes. He then asked "Do you drift?" He said yes. So the uncle decided to show us his drifting skills as he turned into our neighbourhood. Yes, he drifted - according to Adam and Kelson cuz they were at the back, and I was at the front. He went straight through another hump once again and he started doing sharp turns to my block.

I was laughing throughout the whole ride as I never would expect a cab ride to be like that. It was pretty fun and it was safe as there were no cars around at all.

Went to Bedok Blk 85 for dinner yesterday (with Kelson and Adam) which in my opinion has the best food. Had Bar Chor Mee, Oyster Omelette, Sting Ray, Chicken Wings, Sambal Kangkong and Sugarcane Juice. Great Meal. Don't you agree Suraj??? Haha.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Door to Door sales

I decided not to post the entry because people might say its defamation to a certain group of people. Its better to be safe than sorry you know. So i'd just talk about tennis or whatever... lol...

For tennis fans... You should know that the US Open is currently on. The men and women have all been eliminated until there's 4 remaining. Thats right. they're in the Semi-Finals. in the men's draw, Andy Roddick was dismissed by Roger Federrer in the Quater-Finals. Have I ever told you how sick I am of Roger Federrer winning? That man has just gotta lose! lol. This is why i'm supporting Novak Djokovic. He beat Federer just recently at the Finals of some other tournament.

For the womens, Its Henin vs Venus Williams. Go Venus! This is the top half of the draw. The bottom half was really boring for me with only Maria Sharapova being the only interesting name for me. But after her exit like in the 2nd round, I stopped watching the bottom half of the draw. So, I hope the Men's Winner will be Novak Djokovic, and Venus Williams for the Women's.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's been a while...

So not much has been going on lately. I've been sleeping at like 5 in the morning on most nights because I've been staying up to watch the US Open matches. Go Novak Djokovic, Andy Roddick, Serena Williams, and Venus Williams!!!

Anyways, I went over to a chalet yesterday. It wasn't some friends chalet, but it was my mom's friend's chalet. They met when they were working in the US when they were both posted to the there. Their kids are of the same age as us, and there's also a younger brother who's now in primary 3.

I haven't seen them in a really long time, maybe like a year and a half, and I thought that seeing each other might be weird. It turns out, it wasn't weird at all. We started talking and talking, and I didn't leave the place until 6 in the morning. It's nice to be able to talk to someone that can really relate to me because we were both in the US at the same times. 1995-1997, and 2001-2004. Or something like that.

We talked about childhood memories that we had in the US, and other Singaporean kids that we were friends with. Its just really weird that we both lead our own lives, and when we meet, we kinda catch up for all the lost times. I never would've predicted that we'd still see each other or even talk to each other 10 years ago.

It's Nice.